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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What can you say about the story "the Bet" by anton chekov?

Question: What can you say about the story "the Bet" by anton chekov!?
i'm here asking your point of view about the story, after you have read it,

especially, on the last part of the story, when the young man renounces the bet, and the banker hiding the letter on the fire proof place, this is the part i can't really give the explanation, help pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i thought it was an interesting story!.!.!.

but i really do feel pity for the lawyer, because he's gotten so jaded he can't even enjoy life anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a moving story! The banker who made the bet achieves humility and grace and unearthliness and the young man who made the bet for the two million comes to see the folly and uselessness of money--also unearthliness!. He in effect goes through all the steps of education to wisdom!. All, ironically, to win a bet!

Both men come into larger understandings and love via the agency that set them against each other in the first place, the one that was supposed to affirm their initial values!. The banker comes to value the man's renunciation as a holy document, to be preserved!.

I hadn't read this story before!. It has all of Chekhov's simple style, the parable like feel that he often but not always achieves, and the neatness at the end!. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! WONDERFUL!Www@QuestionHome@Com