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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Was the Glass Menagerie a good play?

Question: Was the Glass Menagerie a good play!?
So i have to read a book for english but I dont have that much time so i was thinking since the glass menagerie is a short play I can read it and get the reports done in time!. So i wanted to know from someone who actually read the book if it was good or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It really was one of the best plays I've ever read!. Actually I had to study it!. however, don't fool yourself!. It's a smally, innocent looking book but the amount that has been put in is simply enormous!. The themes dealt with , the motifs it displays and the symbols it conjures up simplay make our brains work!. I was really amazed the first time I had to write a report on it!. I had thought it will be a piece of cake!. It was actually so but the amount I had to write!. I had finally to make a compressed version of all that I wanted to express!.

Have ne fears!. It is really good!. Just make sure you pay loads of attention to the charaters and don't forget Tom's dual role throughout the play!. That's one of the most important!.

Hope this helps and good luck with your reading and your report!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are just looking for something that is short, then you will miss the whole theme of the play!. The dialogue is the most important part!. The characters are flawed, and their voices need to be listened to and understood!. Do not do something just because it is short! There is great depth in this play! I would suggest you read it, and also go rent a video, and see the intensity of the characters, it will give you a greater impact, and you might even be able to get a good grade instead of a mediocre one, for just settling for something that is short!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I saw the play and it was pretty amazing!.!.!. but then again it depends on how good the actors are too lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

i read it and i thought it was good!.
it at least kept my interest if nothing else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com