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Question: How do you get a poem published!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's actually tougher than you might think!. I read somewhere that there are more people in the US who write poetry than who read poetry!.

Start sending your poem to editors who are looking for poetry, with a nice cover letter of course!. You can research markets in the annual publication Writer's Market!. I believe they have a special edition just for poets, called Poet's Market!.

Warning: Don't pay anybody to publish your poem -- that includes buying books from them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try going to webook!.com and signing up! You can get reviews and if they think its good enough to be published they'll get you a contractWww@QuestionHome@Com

submit it to your local liberal arts mag or newspaper!. Just remember: You have to start small to get to tall!Www@QuestionHome@Com