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Question: What are some good non-fiction war books!?
I've read Band of Brothers by Ambrose which was really good but ever since I've wanted to read some other war books!. If you can please give me some recommendations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would recommend Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides and Colditz by Henry Chancellor!. Both books are set in World War II andwere made into movies but of course the books are better!. Ghost Soldiers is about the U!. S!. Rangers rescuing the survivors of the Bataan Death march from the Japanese!. Colditz is about a German prison camp!. The Germans placed the pows that have escaped from other camps into Colditz which is suppose to be escape proof!. Almost like a real life Hogan's Heroes!. It's amazing what they came out with, including an actual glider to ride over the fences!. I also would recommend Battle Cry of Freedom by James M!. McPherson!. This book is part of the Oxford History of the United States and even though that makes the book sound very dull it isn't!. It tells the whole story of the Civil War in chronological order!. It's a very enjoyable read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Defintely Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides as another poster said!. It's about the Bataan Death March!.

The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang!. It's how the Japanese slaughtered, tortured an raped the civilians In Nanking, China during WWII!.

Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima!. A human perspective told in easily read language about the engineers/scientists, the pilots chosen but didn't know what they were training for, Robt!. Oppenheimer & Gen!. Groves, pertinent politicians/soldiers including the Japanese!. A can't put down book!.

There are tons of books on Germany & Hitler--Hitler & Geli (his niece who may have had an intimate relationship with him)!. The Nuremberg Trial & The Nuremberg Letters!. In Hitler's Bunker told by a teenage boy who was assigned to be a courier for Hitler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try "Dispatches" by Michael Herr!. He was a war correspondent in Vietnam who later went on to write this book summarizing his experiences being in the thick of things amongst the soldiers!. It's been heralded as one of the most accurate accounts of the war by both armchair reviewers and veterans alike!. Herr also contributed to the scripts for the movies "Apocalypse Now" and "Full Metal Jacket!." Highly recommended as you get both factual information and a first hand and very personal account of the effect of the horrors of war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Thing They Carried by Tim O'Brien is an amazing novel!. It's actually partly fiction, but you don't discover that until the end, and the story is based off of Tim O'Brien's experieces in the Vietnam war!. It's every realistic, and most of the events are true, just twisted around a little to create a better story (O'Brien admits this later on)!. I really recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one that got away by Chris RyanWww@QuestionHome@Com

War Journal: My Five Years in Iraq- Richard EngelWww@QuestionHome@Com