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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone know any modern authors who write in the 'hard-boiled' style?

Question: Anyone know any modern authors who write in the 'hard-boiled' style!?
I'm trying to find modern day authors who are good writers and who write in the 'hard-boiled' tough guy private eye genre that writers like Dashiell Hammett, James Cain (Postman always rings twice), or Raymond Chandler wrote in!. I want to make a list and read a bunch during the summer!. The only one I know is George Pelaconos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try David Goodis, and the great Jim Thompson!.

Others include Michael Connelly, James Crumley, James Lee Burke, early Elmore Leonard -- and try Charles Willeford, who has a bit of a skewed take on the genre, and of course James Ellroy, who is manic!.

Of these, I'd start with "The Killer Inside Me" by Thompson and your choice of Ellroy's books, maybe "the Black Dahlia" or "L!.A!. Confidential!."

There are many others, and many not quite so hard-boiled still worth reading, but if you want hard-boiled, try these!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try Robert B!. Parker, especially his Spenser series (there are many)!.

By the way, Parker did his PhD dissertation on Hammett and Chandler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com