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Question: Help with a response!?
i need help!.!.
i have to write a 2 page response for each part for this book i am reading!.!.
(there are 5 parts)
does anyone have any ideas what i can write the responses about(THEY CAN NOT BE SUMMARIES)
oh!.!.its a summer asignment i have to do for school :(

the book is Les MiserablesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Shut up, Hannah!. I've never read Les Miserables!. Throughout the book, make notes in the margin about things like: character traits, attributes, flaws, ect!. about the differnt characters!. Then write the response based on how those flaws and traits affected the plot of the story and what happened!. Why the character did what they did, and how that shown a flaw or a particular attribute!. or how something a character does changes the plot!.!.!. i guess!? Im only in 8th grade, so Im just guessing!. But I hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

-Your personal opinion- what did you think of it!? Has it influenced your opinion about the subject (or something like that!.!.!.) Maybe comment on the things the characters do, and what you would have done if you were in the same situation!.

-What would be the purpose of this part of the book!? Is the part descriptive, does it form an introduction!?

I don't have many ideas :P Hope this helped a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could review each part, providing your opinion as to what just happened, the characters' actions and reactions, etc!.

I am not so sure I understand what you mean by "response"!. A "response" is an answer to something, if so, what are you supposed to be responding to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I also read Les Miserables this summer, but getting help over the internet is CHEATING! (points finger, and makes disgusted face, as if she smells something foul) Shame, Shame, ShameWww@QuestionHome@Com