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Question: Hamlet: Act IV!?
True or False!?
1!.Claudius feared for his own safety when he heard of the killing of Polonius!.
2!.The Queen kept her promise to Hamlet not to reveal to the King that Hamlet's madness was pretended!.
3!.Hamlet referred to Polonius as a "sponge" who soaked up information for Claudius!.
4!.Hamlet refused to go to England voluntarily and was sent there as a prisoner against his will!.
5!.Claudius and Gertrude together devised a plot to have Hamlet killed when he arrived in England!.
6!.After a conversation with Fortinbras, Hamlet condemned himself as a coward who had a much better reason to take action than the Norwegian prince!.
Who said it, and what is he/she talking about!?
7!."High and mighty, you shall know I am set naked on your kingdom!.? Tomorrow I beg leave to see your kingly eyes!."
8!."There's a daisy!.? I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died!."
9!."!.!.!.You may choose
A sword unbated, and, in pass of practice,
Requite him for your father!."
10!."!.!.!.her garments, heavy with their drink,
Pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay,
To muddy death!."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. True
2!. True
3!. True
4!. False!. Claudius wants Hamlet to go away because he cannot put him in prison!. The people of Denmark would revolt against such a humiliation against their beloved prince!.
5!. False!. Gertrude is not aware that Claudius is plotting against her son's life!. After all, whatever wrong gertrude may have done in marrying Claudius after her husband's unnatural death, she still loves her son and would never agree to killing him!.
6!. I don't quite remember but I guess it's true!.
7!. Not sure though I think it's Hamlet speaking to his father, the deceased King of Denmark!.
8!. This is Hamlet speaking to Ophelia!. He scares her by his bahaviour here!.
9!. This is the piece where Claudius is prompting laertes to use an uncovered sword, the tip of which has been poisoned in hius duel against Hamlet!. If Hmalet is killed, Laertes could be said to be anenging his father's deathj at the hands of Hamlet!.
10!. I guess this is about Ophelia when her body is discovered among the weeds and grass when she commits suicide!. It could also refer to gertrude who drinks the cup of poisoned wine destined for Hamlet, but I'm surer that it is Ophelia being referred to here!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com