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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is it ok if i've written a good essay or a story to post them in my blog?

Question: Is it ok if i've written a good essay or a story to post them in my blog!?
should i be worried that my copywright would be violated if someone copied it!?

what if someone stole it!?

please give me some advice or pointers and it'll be much appreciated!.

i really want people to read my writings, but as we all know, some people in cyberspace really has the nerve of a monster to take your artworks and post them as theirs!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The fact is there is no such thing as Copyright Police!. Anything posted on the internet is fair game for plagiarists!. If they want to, they will steal it and the odds are you will never know!. It could be stolen by someone in China!. How would you know!?

Persi's Rule #2 - NO copyright is worth anything without an expensive lawyer to back it up!.

Is it worth it to you!? If you found out someone in China stole it would you get a lawyer and fly thousands of miles to sue them!? Doubtful!. You probably wouldn't win anyway!.

And do not let anyone convince you that you protect yourself with the so called "Poor Man's Copyright" where you put the work in an envelope and mail it to yourself!. It is worthless!. I could mail myself Old Man and the Sea, but it doesn't make me Hemingway!. No judge on earth would accept that as proof of ownership!. It just means that on that day, you were in possession of the pages!. It does not prove that you wrote them!. That is an Urban Myth that has been around for as long as I have been writing - nearly 50 years - and probably lots longer!. Don't waste the stamp!.

The bottom line is this!. At this moment, if you have not posted the work online, legally you hold the copyrights to it!. That is clearly determined by the newest revisions of the Copyright Laws!. However once you post online, all bets are off!. You have opened yourself up to potential theft and there is little you can do about it!. There is only one 100% foolproof copyright!. Write your material, copy it, keep it safe until you are ready to send it to a publisher!. If and when a publisher buys it from you, according to your Standard Writers Contract, the publisher will pay for the copyrights in your name - after all revisions, when the final copy is done, after you have approved the galley!. That is the only copyright that matters!. Remember that during the editing stage, it is senseless to hold a copyright because every time a single word is changed, you have to pay all over again!. That is why a publisher waits until you have approved a galley!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you post it on your blog it can be reprinted, but only if the credit is given to you!. Post a link to this site on your blog for protection!.

or a link to the full legal code!.


This explains your rights and the rights of others who want to use your work!.

But, laws are only good when people want to abide by them!. If somebody tries to steal your work it will be up to you to catch them and pursue legal action!. Nothing you can do, even get a full copyright, will stop a determined thief!. Most are going to figure that the chances of getting caught are slim so worth the risk!. Keep this in mind when you post something to the public!. Posting that link will give you a basis to take legal action but won't protect you beyond that!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well its a risk you have to take!. i reccomend though that before you post it you do some good old fashioned home copywriting!. it wont stop people stealing your material however it can prove that it was yours first and in a court case it will help you!. all you do is put a copy in an envelope, making sure that its dated and post it to yourself!. when it arrives, DO NOT OPEN IT!. if it comes to the worst, you have proof of origionality and as long as you dont open it before hand, it will stand up in court!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say it's a risk you would have to take!. If you submit your story to deviant art, it's harder to steal, so there is a possibility there!. Unfortunately, you really can't trust people anymore, so I would be wary!.

I hope if you do decided to post it, that it doesn't get stolen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know how you feel about wanting to share writing online, but it really is a concern that it can be stolen!. It will always be risky to post your work, but that is what you have to decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com