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Question: What is the message in the story Green Willow!?
it is a Japanese folk tale retold by paul Jordan smith this is the site link if someone wants to check it out!. http://www!.spiritoftrees!.org/folktales/m!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't read that story in years!
It was always one of my favorite folk tales!.

As for the message, well I think there are a few!.

One is to remember that everything has a spirit!.
shinto is a big part of Japan's beliefs and it is believed that everything has a spirit!.

Another message is to not always follow what you are told to do!.
Tomotada never went back to his master, he chose to stay with the woman he loved!.

The last is that love overcomes everything including death!.
The imagery of the two trees intertwining are beautiful!.

Thank you so much for posting this question!.
I haven't read this story in years, and it made my day!.

I hope I was at least a little helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com