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Question: Questions for stephenie Meyer of Twilight ( hate )!?
Lets try to be constructive!.
I'm going to be seeing Stephenie Meyer in around week and i've been told i can ask her a few questions!. I compiled a list of them but i need some more i can ask!.
I want to here interesting questions ( especially from people that despise her work)

Does anyone else think Stephenie Meyer is a no talent hack!?
Do you think she is a great writer!? I think she has a Vivid imagination but her writing style is cluttered and incoherent!. and the whole book is filler and drags on too long!.
The book is not though provoking at all and some of the characters are very dull!.
Lets not talk about all these crazy fan girls who got there mind polluted with this book and there affinity towards Edward ( This alone should lessen the books appeal)
That is my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I think I understand why the book is popular among young girls!. I'm almost 20 and I didn't care for it much but it seems like the type of romantic novel I would have loved if I had read it around middle school or early high school!. also, it's a pretty effortless read!. There aren't any hard words, lots of simple sentences and repetitive dialogue!. I was actually pretty amused when I heard the author had "unintentionally" written a young adult!.

I agree with the filler/cluttered comment!. She had a few really good ideas, but the book just wasn't put together well!. It's been a while since I read the book but from what I remember there was just a lot of pointless back and forth dialogue like lot of "I love you, i love you"!. Yeah, whatever - get with the story line, please, lol!. There isn't any real conflict until about 9/10th of the way through the book!. I think it would have better if they had stretched some deeper conflict through the whole book instead of throwing it in at the end!. The characters were very dull, underdeveloped!. Like Bella is supposed to be this intelligent (lol), yet clumsy 17 year old girl and Edward is her 100 year old short-fused control freak vampire boyfriend!. Yet another flaw is the fact that the author obviously didn't mean for me to interpret the characters in this way!. The author tried to make Bella seem like an intelligent girl and Edward a really a nice guy!. I don't think I'd ever read a book where I pretty much felt the complete opposite as to how I was to supposed to about a character until Twilight!.

Anyways, not a terrible book, it just could have been done a lot better!. I was a little curious as to what would would happen in the sequel so I'll give her some credit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im not a pre pubescent girl - and I think it is the best book(s) that i have ever read - and I Have read alot of books!.
Why do you want to meet her if you dont like her work!?
I Dont agree with you at all in saying the whole book is Cluttered and Incoherent and most of all the characters are dull!?!?!? What have you been reading!?!
It is interesting and entertaining the whole way through without even one page of dullness and provokes every type of emotion - all the things you look for in a great story!

What books do you like!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I agree that some people take it too far, but Stephenie Meyer is no hack!. Anybody who has stirred up this kind of response from readers deserves credit!. Maybe back off a bit!? Don't go and attack the woman at this signing thing!. The books, are in my opinion, very good, and have a great story!. But that's my opinion!.
She worked on these, and has made a success, and you are attacking that!. No cause for obsession, or hatred!. I am neutral!.
And I am not pre-pubescent, for the record, nor am I a fool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What books would she recommend to her fans, to read until the next of hers comes out!?

What elements in her novels does she consider particularly original!?

Her idea of good fantasy for her audience could be quite revealing!.

P!.S!. If you are submitting those questions in writing, be very careful!.
You're grammar, spilling, Use of Capitals, and, punctuation and apostrophe's is all off!. There their!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are you taking time to go see her and ask this if you think she is talentless!?I agree you have the right to dislike it, but did you really need to upset these people who now hate you!?I'm not obsessed with the books, but I do like them!.I think she is a good writer, but you're entitled to your opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are going to a group kind of thing, you will be limited in terms of time, be aware of that!.

I'd like to know what does she think about the misguided fans that are using Edward as a male role model, and what would she tell them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

:::Just realized something::::

!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.You're not going to see her are you!?!? You're just dead bored and want to see how many people are obsessed with Twilight!.

I AM obsessed, and I AM proud =D

And we are Switzerland! We neither hate or like you for doing this!.

EDIT:: Twilightoholic!.!.!.I SO need to know the answer to that!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No questions!. No comment!. Period!.

Oh wait!.!.!. nvm!. I DO have a question!. Do you think you can record that for me!? I'd like to see you really do it & it would be a heck of a time watching you get dragged away by her security guards!. That's all!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 17 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think stephenie meyer is a great writer and is very talented!.
She definetely has talent!.

i do have a question that i kind of need to know the answer for!. its being eating away at me and i want to know!.

does edward wear boxers or briefs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should be polite if you want SM to even answer you're questions!.
Mine is: Why did you make Edward so abusive and controlling!? Why are all your characters so 2-dimensional!?


Honestly, if you think she really sucks, why are you bothering to go see her in person!?

Stephenie Meyer has a very unique writing style, and obviously is doing something right to make it on the best sellers list!. I will be the first to admit her writing is rather poor in comparison to some of the more accomplished authors of our time, but she deserves some for recognition for creating an entertaining collection of stories!.

We're all titled to our own opinion, but please have some respect for someone how has made it much farther in following her dreams than someone so judgmental ever could have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She isn't a no talent hack !. !. !. I liked the Twilight series, to some extent!. Her writing needs MAJOR improvement, and I don't care much for the characters, but I still enjoyed the books!.
Yes, I think the book needs a lot of editing!. I recommend the series to people who are very bored, but that's it!.
I would ask the question:
1!. What is a characteristic of Bella that makes her a strong female!? (b/c I feel Bella is a weak heroine, it would be interesting to hear what the author thinks)
2!. How big are your first drafts!? (I would also ask this of Tolstoy, lols)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are entitled to your opinion, but why would you insult someones work like that!!? If you don't like the books, then don't read them!. That's plain as it gets!. And I am no prepubescent girl, and I love Twilight! I'm obsessed, of course I've read better books, but Twilight is defiantly on my top 5 list! Please don't waste your time insulting someones creativity!.

And in defense of Stephenie Meyer, if shes a no talent hack then how is she a published, best-selling author!? Have you any idea how challenging it is to be published!? Obviously not!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alright, I enjoy Twilight, but unlike most girls, who are obsessed, I do think you have a right to voice your opinion and I'll be mature while answering your questions!.

Firstly, I'd like to say that you shouldn't hate anything!. Not because I'm religious or whatever (trust me, I'm not) but it just takes too much damn effort to hate something!. Seriously! If you want to show your dislike for something, don't even bother regarding it!

Stephanie Meyer does have talent!. If she didn't, she wouldn't have sold so many copies of her book!. She's creative and she makes somewhat good character choices!. I do like Edward, but I think he is the one character that doesn't have a strong character!. I mean, all we know is that he's "perfect" and at the beginning of Eclipse he was controlling!.

Yes, Stephanie Meyers writing style is a little!.!.!.!.cluttered!. But in New Moon and a bit in Eclipse it's better!.

Edward is very dull, I will agree with you there!. But all if not most of the others, especially Jacob Black have layers!.

Yeah, crazy fan girls are a little too obsessed!.!.!.!.not gonna lie!.!.!. but hey, whatever floats your boat is fine with me!

But I do agree with the first or second girl who answered!. Why waste your time and go if you hate her so much!? That's just be unneeded misery on your part! Plus, do you want to hurt her feelings!? I'm sorry but that would be kind of crude!.

Holy crap, this might be the longest responce I've ever written on Yahoo! Answers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wait let me get this straight!. You paid the money to see her, just to tell her her writing stinks!? Aren't you like contributing to her fortune by paying for the ticket!?

edward squee

no jake!