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Question: Harry Potter lives on!.!.!.sorta!?
Would it be a good idea to allow other writers to make stories in JKR's universe!. Such as new classes at Hogwarts, or perhaps even at some of the foreign schools to allow the universe to continue on in word and become a mainstream world such as Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Star Wars, and the many other successful worlds!.

What would you like to see or perhaps not see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fan fiction!. It live on in fan fiction but, I see what you mean not just on the net; a series of books by authors describing the potter-verse when its not revolving around Harry!. One huge obstacle in the form of brothers Warner!. They will never allow this unless it's into the long long ways away future!. Would I like to see this!? Yes!! I'd want to be a part of it!. Can I see it happening!? Sadly, no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My personal answer to that is no because first off it would be taking the creativity away from JKR herself!. She developed the wizarding world and everything between "the boy who lived"(CH1 SS) and the epilogue (DH)!. allowing other writers to meddle in this world might destroy everything she has created!. also she writes with a specific unique "smoke and mirrors" techique (haha i rhymed) and a certain charisma that cannot be replicated!. I simply can't see another author rising up to par with JKR in the story that she herself has created!.

Harry Potter is not dead!. It still lives on on many fansites such as Mugglenet!.com and even in their podcast, Mugglecast (which doesnt come out as much as it used to but still!.) also Universal Islands of Adventure is making the Harry Potter section of their themepark which will be Awsome!

If you want to read more about the story and her world you could find millions of fan fictions online!. Try www!.harrypotterfanfiction!.com

I would not like to see other authors replicate JKR but Harry Potter still lives on!. =-DWww@QuestionHome@Com

If I'm not mistaken, JKR had been asked about other wizarding schools throughout the world (namely America)!. I am pretty sure she invited anyone who wanted to write about an American wizarding school!. That being said, I don't know who could do that without 'borrowing' ideas from HP!. I hated to see the series end, but I believe the only way it would be as magical is if JKR picked up her quill and wrote book 8, in the same setting!. Nothing else would be the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I wouldn't want any other writers to even *touch* Harry Potter! J!.K!. Rowling is a fabulous author, and she's the only one who deserves to write "the epic tale of Harry Potter", to quote the inside jacket of DH!.
I have to admit, though, I am salivating to read the Harry Potter encyclopedia!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would really really love more Harry Potter books or even spinoffs!. But if it isnt by JK Rowling then I dont think i would want to read it!. I cant explain what it is about her writing and her story telling its just amazing!. And i havent found a writer that is just as good as hers!. I just dont want anyone messing up a good series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think in the future writers will definatly borrow her idea!.!.!.lots of things happen that way, so little originality anymore!.!.!.take for example oh I dont know!.!.!.The real world!.!.!.now MTV has Road Rules, all these dating shows!.!.!.all spin-offsWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!. jkr MADE the series!.
it would b a crime 4 ppl 2 destroy it!.
if she wants 2 continue it, i would b estatic!.
if not, nobody else has da right 2Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I really wouldn't want to see that past fan fiction on the Internet!.

The 7 book series has been published, and I'm happy with that; why add more!? It will spoil the universe JKR created!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stories are already written on the net, I enjoy reading them sometime!. No one as talented as JKR, but fun to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No i don't think so!. J!.K!.R created the series its her books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
