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Question: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer!?
What happens in chapters 5 and 7, or chapters Imprint and Unhappy ending!.

And whos your favorite character!?

Mines Edward, hes just so erg hes just blah in the good way!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
5- Jacob tells bella about imprinting!.!.!.!. the person the werewolves fall in love with at first sight!.
7- Rosalie tells Bella her sad life story and trys to convince her to stay human

my favorite character is Emmet bcuz is so sarcastic about everything = ] i love emmet!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In chapter 5- imprint, Jacob tells Bella how when werewolves fall in love they are set on that certain person and no one else!. (imprinting)!. In chapter 7- Rosalie tells bella her story of when she was a human and why she thinks bella should stay a human!.

I love all the characters but my favorite is probably bella !.!. maybe edward though!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chapter 7: Unhappy Ending is when Alice kidnaps Bella, and Rosalie comes in and tells Bella her story, how she became a vampire, and why she thinks Bella is making the wrong choice!. And then the next day at school Bella runs away with Jacob!.!.!.heeheehee!.!.!.dumb Jacob!.

Favorite characters!.!.!.!.
Alice is first, then!.!.!.!.!.Esme, or Rose!. Especially Rose in Chapter 7!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Emmett's pretty sweet, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

chapter 5 is when Jacob tells Bella about how they imprint of people!.Like sam and umm i forget who him wife is:P woops!. haha!.!. umm chapter 7!? i totally forget!! sorry

fav character JACOB:) cause i think hes sweet!. edward, jasper, and emmett are sick aswell:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno why everyone likes Edward, I'm a Jacob fan!. Edward's okay too though!. In the chapter "imprint" jacob tells Bella how Werewolves fall in love!. I forgot about Unhappy ending though!. I think that's where Bella goes to see Jacob when he's all hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite character is Alice!. Shes just amazing!. Shes such a happy and great character!. Love her!. I like Emmet second best!. Hes greatWww@QuestionHome@Com

imprint might be when jacob tells bella about imprinting and how one most of his friends already have!.!.!.

i love edward too!!! he's just so gorgeous and perfect!.!.!.or like u said!.!.!.!.blah in the good way!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite character is Jasper! He sounds like a cool guy even though we don't really get to know him much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com