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Question: Dean Koontz!?!?!?
My great-grandma gave me a book about five minutes ago, called Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz!. I didn't even know she could still read, so I'm a little nervous about trying it!. Is it worth reading!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dean Koontz is a fantastic writer!. Although I haven't read this particular book, I can recommend him highly!. Give this one a try, and I am sure you will find something about it that you like!.

If you did like this one, then try other books, such as Watchers, Odd Thomas or Life Expectancy!. These are among my favorites of his and among his most popular!.

He writes a little bit of everything from horror to supernatural to suspense/thrillers, so you are likely to find something in his writings that appeals to your tastes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it's something with Grandma's-- when my grandmother passed I got to inherit all of her books, and she had a few Dean Koontz!. I read "The Voice of the Night" it wasn't a terrible book, it's not what I normally read, and it was a nice change!.

Give it a try-- if you like it then that's a plus, if you don't, then you'll know not to read him again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dean koontz is similar to stephen king, but less drawn out!. I used to read his books when I was younger and into him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com