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Question: What do you think about today's Breaking Dawn quote!?
It's !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Tanya: Ah, Edward I've missed you!.

It may be out of context in my opinion!. What do you also think about the past quotes in the past few days!? I like the one with Edward and Alice playing rock paper scissors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first quote-
Alice: "I'll play you for it!. Rock, paper, scissors!."
Edward: "Why don't you just tell me who wins!?"
Alice: "I do!. Excellent!."

I think it means that Alice and Edward are fighting over something not that important, something they both like, like who gets to drive or something!. If it was important they wouldn't decide it over rock, paper, sissors!. also, i know Alice could see the future to see who wins, but couldn't Edward read her mind to win!?

Second quote-
Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on!?"

Bella is probably being sarcastic over something little!. Again it's nothing big, because she wouldn't confide in Mike about it!.

Today's quote-
Tanya: "Ah, Edward!. I've missed you!."

OMG! This one gives a lot away! Obviously Tanya is in it, so it probably involves the rest of her family!. Most people are saying she is in town for the wedding, but that doesn't make any sense!. Why would they invite more vampires to the wedding!? It would just cause more conflict with the wherewolves!. also if Tanya has a thing for Edward, why would she be there for his wedding to another girl!? I think they are in Antartica!. I think Edward and Bella and the whole Cullen family is in Antartica because Bella is going to be turned into a vampire!. In Eclipse they did talk about Antartica as a possible place for them to go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope it's something unimportant that isn't very significant in the novel!. arg!. but tanya might try to make edward leave bella and she'll make bella jealous so that bella will want to return to jacob!. and when jacob sees tanya, he'll imprint on her!. it's a possibility!. but at the end, bella will stay with edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Think that Tanya still has feelings for edward and shes going to try and Ruin edwards and bellas relationship somehow! While shes doing that jacob might imprint on her! And tanya would be bellas worst enemy! But she would have to go with jacob and bella gets jealous because her and Jacob are best friends and his in love with her worst enemy, just like shes in love with his enemy!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the one with rock paper scissors too :) It is out of context because we haven't read the full book!.


I think that when Jacob ran away, he ended up in Alaska and stumbled upon more vampires!. Bella goes to look for him before they get married, and they find Jabob's imprinted on Tanya ! Aha, just my thoughts :):)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well honestly, i don't really know what to make of it!.
last year, with the eclipse quote of the days, i tried to guess things, but then they turned out completely wrong!!!
but, all i can assume is that the cullens (maybe along with bella!?!?!?!?) go to denali to meet up with tanya and her family!.
the quotes are always fun for me!. i agree with you, my favorite so far has been with alice and edward playing rock, paper, scissors!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the quote of the day thing that stephenie meyer is doing it is so cool! Even though i bet everyones ideas will be totally wrong its still really fun trying to guess whats going to happen!. cant wait!!! The quote with tanya is really hard to guess whats going to happen, whats tanya doing in it!? :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hope that tanya is bad so that there is no chance of edward falling in love with her!. but then again, i absolutely adore jacob and i almost wish that edward would do something terrible to force bella back to jacob!. i hope that tanya is bad!. very very bad!. :[Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the quotes will be out of context right now, because we don't know the situation in the book in which they are said!. I can't wait to find out in 3 weeks though!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha I think a certain girl named Bella is going to be jealous!! Because Tanya used to look like edward!. I also like the rock paper sissors one too!. It was funny!. The one with Mike doesn't give much away! I can't wait til Breakng DawnWww@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn is based on "A Midsummer Night's Dream", a play by Shakespeare in which all the characters fall in love with the wrong person!.
Figure it out yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that confuses me; what does Tanya mean by that!?

Well we know that at least Edward will be going to alaska!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So, you like the Twlight series!? I like that quote!. It could lead to a million things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Tanya is going downWww@QuestionHome@Com

the one about alice and edward, i just think there betting on something but i don't think it's nothing important maybe something that gotz to do with the wedding, or something un important!.
yesturday's quote about bella talking to mike, i doubt is anything important cause bella wouldn't talk to him about important things!.
and today's quote is freaking me out, because apperently either tanya visits the cullens or for some reason edward goes over there, but bella has to be there because the book is from her pov so she has to be there at the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com