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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Looking for the title of a book I read in middle school?

Question: Looking for the title of a book I read in middle school!?
Genre: Historical Fiction
Protagonist: (name!?) female
Plot: She lives in a small hut by the forest w/ her grandmother!. She is taken to a rich noble lady's home who gives her money for safe passage to the new world w/ the Puritans!. Describes boat trip over!. She lives there, the church was built on a stone slab, which they proclaimed was set there by God for building a church upon!. She begins to explore the woods around the colony, borrowing men's clothes which she slips in and out of!. She meets and Indian around her age and he bring her back to meet his tribe one day!. The Puritans call her which (for running around in men's clothes and what not) She escapes by hiding in the birthing room of one of her close friends, then slipping out the back door to go live w/ the same Indian tribe she met earlier in the story (which the reader knows b/c the same friend w/ the child finished her story) Story is based on a diary found stuff in a quilt made in that time period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you might be thinking of "witch child" maybe!?!?!?

hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com