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Question: A Question about the Hobbit and the Lord of the rings!?
Hey there Guy's ok so i was on a website today reading the press release about the hobbit and how peter jackson and another guy sorry cannot remember his name are directing the film but in it they
said they are making the hobbit and the sequel to the hobbit,

now as far as i knew the fellowship of the ring was the sequel to the hobbit so, if i am right and this is the case, then how can they release a "sequel" when its already been made/ and if they are not on about the fellowship
then how are they going to make a sequel when the only book that came after the hobbit was the fellowship
so are they going to start making up adventures for bilbo to have this has me a little confused i must admit!.

here is the website i saw it on

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah so they're making a movie for the hobbit (yes! in my opinion, the animated one was laughable!. i mean, come on, the orcs sang!!!)

the second one is kind of a filler-in, what happened to gandalf, aragorn, etc!. between hobbit and fellowship!. they're making most of it up, except from random notes by tolkien they might have found!.!.!.yeah like someone else i'm not sure what i think here!. if they mess it up i'm gonna rip someone's head off!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only thing I can think of other than what the other posters have already mentioned is an original piece to try to cover the years between the hobbit and lord of the rings to make it appear more "fluid" to the non-reader fans!.

i'm really not sure what i think about this, though i was thrilled when i read peter jackson was doing The Hobbit!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that they will be using either unfinished short stories by J R R Tolkien or a sequel written by a grandson of his - I'm feeling sort of vague about this, but they must have something and we know they've already done the Lord of the Rings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!. The further adventures of Bilbo Baggins wasn't written other than TLOTR as far as I know either altho Tolkein wrote other tales of Middle-Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no sequel to the Hobbit!. it must be a typing error or somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com