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Question: Preface of Breaking Dawn!?
Who do you think she's referring to!? I know it's been asked trillions of times, but I want to share what I think, and different people are online at different times so not all the answers will be the same!.

Here's the Preface, I couldn't find it written:

I think that Bella's reffering to Edward turning her into a vampire, but he lost control and is accidentally killing her, because her blood is so so so so so sweet t him!. =O

I know a lot of you think that it's Jacob killing her because she's a vampire now, but we all know that it's gonna be something completely unexpected, that's just how Stephenie Meyer is!. No one even thought about Edward leaving Bella until they read it with their own shocked eyes!.

So, does anyone have any whacked out there theories like mine!? And if you don't agree with mine, why dont' you!?

No haters, and if you have no clue what I'm talking about, don't answer!.

Thanks =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that its edward turning her into a vampire because he's stopping her heart and technically killing her!. I don't think it's jacob because!.!.!. well I like jacob and I don't want him to kill her!. You should look at http://www!.thetwilightsaga!.com/forum/vie!.!.!.
Its things Stephenie Meyer says will happen, won't happen, and alluded to happening!.

I think Eleazar is going to have some power that will allow Edward to be the one to turn Bella into a Vampire without starting a war, but Jacob is going to run into the Denali Clan because he's already in Northern Canada (First Chapter, BD) and he's going to either try and stop it or get really mad, but either way I think he's going to fight with Edward and lose, but Edward will leave him somewhere so he can't hurt Bella but he'll be able to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the "death" she is talking about is Edward turning her into a vampire, when her heart stops beating and her life changes abrubtly into something totally unknown, which is like dying, so to say!.

By not doing it, she is hurting herself and Edward by not being able to stay together eternally!.

At least, that is my opinion!. I really don't think it means she is actually technically dying!. I just think it is a way of saying how her life now is ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly!? I think Edward is turning her into a vampire!.!.!.I dont know that he's killing her!. I think "death" is referring to her becoming immortal!.

I don't think Stephenie Meyer could write that because of how in love with Bella & Edward's relationship she is!. Think about it!. If he kills Bella he is essentially a monster to everyone reading the books!. It would completely change every fans perception of him, even her own and Meyer wouldn't do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com