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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do Muggle-Borns fear saying 'Voldemort'?

Question: Why do Muggle-Borns fear saying 'Voldemort'!?
Like, why do people like Hermione and Dean Thomas fear saying the name Voldemort!. In the fifth book, Hermione started saying his name but even so, her voice was trembling!. Harry says his name because he didn't grow up with the fear of Voldemort, but Muggle-Borns didn't either so!.!.!? 10 points 4 best answer!. No mean answers please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know if there was like a mass murderer then you might not like saying the name!. Especially if you spoke about tem you believed they would come and kill you!. They terrorised the muggle world and this is why they are scared to say the name!.
Hermione only started saying the name because she is a witcha nd because of harry!.
Harry says his name to prove he is not scared of a name and it is true that its silly to be scared of a name and he is trying to show this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not many people even said the name at all!. The Golden Trio got used to saying the name after awhile, but it still instilled fear in even the pure blooded Ron Weasley!. They knew how powerful Voldemort was and what he was capable of!. Harry, in my opinion, is a bit on the reckless side, and he kept coming face to face with Voldemort and surviving!. also, with Dumbledore as his mentor, he probably came to learn that "Fear of a name increases fear of the person!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not just muggle-borns who are afraid of speaking the name of the Dark Lord!. Its the whole wizarding community!. Remember how everytime harry would say voldemort, Ron would tell him to stop saying the name!. Harry, and Dumbledore were some of the only people that would say his name!. Only because Dumbledore thought fear of the name, only increases fear of the thing its self!. He told harry that in the first book, while harry was in the hospital wing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well not just muggle-borns fear saying the name, Ron and his whole family don't say the name too because they have lived the time of voldemort and the ultimate distruction the world was in so they fear the mere memory of him (although this fear was said to be true in the 7th book), but for hermione her fear of the name is the fear of tails that they muggle-borns were the most hurted in voldemort's time so she was always afraid of the terror the ones like her felt!. anyway harry i believe didn't use the name not because he didn't fear but because he believed in being Dumbledore example or applying his sense (which by the way made a lot of sense)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hermione probably read more about Voldemort than Harry, so she came to fear him quickly!. Harry did not know that much about him, and then he meets him!. It does say at one point I think in the first book that he does not like to say it at one point!.
Muggles aren't really scared to say it!. The Dursleys try to say it a few times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I was under the impression that they believe by saying his name they are giving power to him!. Kind of like they were worried that saying his name shows they believe in him which in turn might bring him back!. It seems like I read that in one of the books, but it's been a long time, maybe I am mistaken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's just - if you'll excuse the use of the term - taboo in the wizarding world!. Muggle-Borns have even MORE reason to fear Voldemort!. Harry fears him, but thinks avoiding the name is stupid!. It's different for Harry!. He'd defeated Voldemort when he was a baby - not many Muggle-Borns could say that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i guess once they hear of him and what he's done they'd be pretty afraid!. but since they didn't grow up hearing it they wouldn't exactly say it in the first place would they since it's not a very common name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well everyone just dose not say the name because everyone fear Voldemort, they her things and read (Well Hermione does) and so they learn not to say anything, but Harry is different and says his name anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure if ALL Muggle-borns are afraid!. Hermione started saying it after awhile!. But even the main 3 (Harry, Hermione, Ron) stopped saying it cuz they made is traceable!.


uve put ur finger on it!.!.coz theyre afraid!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com