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Question: What is Tim O'brien's definition of truth!?
I would just like to know what's Tim O'briens definition of truth based on the book The Things They Carried!.
I've been jumbled up on how he writes about it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He defines it on page 71 of the text!.

Facts are truth!. Okay!. But how we percieve these facts happening is also truth!. So a true story of the very same event from multiple perspectives may be different depending on how the person saw it happen!. But it's still true, and in fact more true than just the facts!.

You still there!?

He says the way to know a true war story is in the details, the seemingness!. Because one person can not comprehend all of what is happening!. So if a person can tell you point by point what its like to watch some get blown up by a land mine, he's not telling you the truth!. All he would have been able to focus on were a couple key points and the seemingness of the situation would have filled in the details!.

Do you see!? Kinda clear!? He says it very, very well in that paragraph, which may be one of the best paragraphs ever written, in my opinion!.

Basically the point of this is to prepare you to watch the same two people get blown up from multiple perspectives and know that all of them are true!.

You've been working on this book for a while K!mchee!. I remember your other question still!. I take it your instructor moves at a very slow clip!?

add--> also, the name is spelled O'Brien!. The 'B' is also a capital letter!. That's kind of a sore subject for people with the O' names!. Try to remember, thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com