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Question: What is your favorite book and why should I read it!?
Ten points to you if I think it's interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stephenie Meyer
(Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn)
Twilight is a classic series that I reccoment to everyone!. They are the best books that I have ever read!. And Breaking Dawn comes out August 2nd!.

(Uglies, Prettys, Specials, Extras)
THe Uglies series is about a girl who lives in the future, and once you turn 16, you become a pretty!. But hre friend runs away, and messes up things with Tally!. (This book was another one of my favorites!. Unfortunatly, a lot of people judge the cover)


It’s Kind of a funny Story
Ned Vizzini
This book was by far my favorite novel!. It's about a boy who almost commits suicide, so he gets put into a hospital!. It was a really funny story!.

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
Gabrielle Zevin
Another one of my favorites!. It's about a girl that falls and hits her head and loses her memory of the past 4 years!. And a LOT has happened in the years that she has missed!.!.!.

Gabrielle Zevin
Elsewhere is about a girl who dies in a carcrash, and she goes to Elsewhere!. A very good book!.

Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak is a great book about a girl who had some bad things happen to her, and she is now choosing to be a selective mute!.

Sarah Dessen
It's about a girl who falls in love with a boy, but the relation ship starts to become dangerous!. A definate must read!.

Lock and Key
Sarah Dessen
I've only just started this book, and it's fabulas!.

Seer Of Shadows
Is about a boy who when he takes pictures, he brings spirts back to life!.

The Theif lord
Cornelia Funke
It's about a group of runaway kids living in Vinus!.

Things Not Seen
Andrew Clements
It's about a boy who becomes invisible and becomes friends with a blind girl!.

Hope that helped!

My favourite book is 'A Suitable Boy', by Vikram Seth!. It is a very, very long book (nearly 1500 pages!) but it is totally absorbing!. I have read it three times, and am intendin g to read it again in the near future!.

The underlyi g story is about an Indian woman's search for a husband for her youngest daughter!. It interweaves the stories of four Indian families in the months leading up to India's First General Election in 1952!.

There is a bit of everything in the book: romance, family arguments, a suicide, riots, politics, religion, cricket, shoe-making, a debate on whether to teach Lawrence at university!.!.!.!.!.

It's just a fantastic book, and I would highly recommend that you read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book of all time was "Wives and Daughters" by Elizabeth Gaskell!. I also really enjoyed "North and South" by the same author!.

I have seen the BBC miniseries for both, which are also excellent, I read the books before watching the miniseries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I greatly recommend "Pride and Prejudice," by Jane Austen!. You know what, I recommend ALL her novels, but this one is my absolute favorite!.

The Bennetts are the parents of five daughters near the close of the 18th century!. Comfortable within their means but well short of rich, Mr!. and Mrs!. Bennett are looking for suitable husbands for their girls, and they are encouraged to learn that an eligible young bachelor from a wealthy family, Charles Bingley, has moved into a nearby estate!. Eager to see if a match can be made, the Bennetts bring their daughters Elizabeth and Jane to a ball thrown by their new neighbor to see if sparks will fly!. Jane seems to like Charles, and he appears to feel the same, but Elizabeth takes an immediate dislike to Darcy, Charles's egocentric best friend!. While Elizabeth is infatuated with military man Lt!. Wickham and finds herself courted by William Collins, a well-meaning but drab man of the cloth, fate causes Elizabeth and Darcy to frequently cross paths, and while they don't care for one another, they can't stop thinking about each other, either!.

It's a great story, full of wit, humor, romance, and misadventures!. Just goes to show that first impressions are not always correct (and besides!.!.!.who wouldn't fall in love with Mr!. Darcy!?!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight saga!. YA book!. Romantic- not to much though!. Interesting plot and lovable characters!. Wonderful writer!.

House of Night series!. Very interesting plot!. Suspense!. Romance!.

Blue is for Nightmares series!. Really interesting plot!. Magic-but not in a hocus pocus way!. Its wicca but not 'bad'!. Great characters!. Last two have romance!.

Vampire Academy series!. Great plot!. Good characters!. Romance!. A little action!.

These are all AMAZING books! Even if they don't sound interesting here, they all very much are! Check them out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Favorite novel of all time:
Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte

WH is a beautifully written Gothic novel unlike anything I've read!. The story basically revolves around the destructively passionate romance of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw!.!.
My favorite aspect of the novel is just how imperfect the characters are, it makes the story so raw and so real!.

Favorite Jane Austen Novel:
Pride and Prejudice: I wanted to be Elizabeth Bennet after i read this!.
Persuasion: One of her lesser appreciated novels, I love it!.

Favorite Y/A book:

Read it when I was 11!. First book to make me cry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest The Seaon Of The Witch by James Leo Herlihy

In 1969, Gloria and her friend John decide to run away from their homes in suburban Detroit when he gets his draft notice!. They choose New York because Gloria's real father lives there and she wants to meet him!. She is hoping he will provide an escape from her plastic suburban life and be the loving, wise parent she wishes her mother could be!.

I think it's an amazing story about becoming your own person, working hard, and accepting the things that you can not change!.
I read this book when I was 14 and i've read it once a year since then (I'm now 24)!. It's an amazing story and it has shaped my maturing into the woman I am today!.

I highly recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Insanely good read: adventure, romance, vengeance, intelligent discussion, the works: The Count of Monte Cristo!. (while good, the film did not do the stroy justice, at all!.)

Hilarious read, you'll be laughing out loud, good clean hummor for those with gray cells: My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell

Both can be found at local library!.

For romance and history: read 'Mrs!. Mike', by Benedict & Nancy Freedman, a true story of a young girl whom marries a good and complicated man in 1900's Canada!.


The Chronicles of Narnia by C!.S!. Lewis!. Because the fantasy world is very exciting, characters are great!. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman are great too, many worlds, developed characters, ice bears, witches, gyptians, deamons, you should check them out if you haven't already read them!.

Sorry but I have to ask, and you think Twilight are classics because, that's a jokeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo is my favorite story of all time!. Not only was it brilliantly written, but characters were complex and controversial!.!.!.created by Hugo when these subject matters where taboo: theft!.!.!.prostitution!.!.!.a thug's redemption through politics!.

I love Val Jean's character because his transition is fluid!.!.!.from begining till the end!. This novel is Hugo's comment on what human nature is: The unfortune and pain!.!.!.the forgiveness and hope; the premature (for his time) discovery that we all, no matter who we are or where we come from have the same potential for both good and evil!.!.!.that even when our fates seemed to be sealed, we can never really know where life will take us!.

Does this answer your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well my favorite book of all time is
'thirteen reasons why'
its about this girl who commits suicide but sends out 13 tapes!. on each side of the tape is a diferent person who caused her to commit suicide!. and the tapes are at a boy named clay hensons front door one morning!. but why!?
if i say anymore id give it away!.
but its really good!. like REALLY good!.
you should deffintly check it out !.!.!.
you gotta check it outWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Master and Margarita, by Bulgakov!.

Banned by the Soviets as subversive, it shows the insanity of the system, plus is a retelling of the Christ story, and Faust, and the Devil is the hero, all inside a love story!. Great read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Swan Song by Robert R!. McCammon!. About the end of the world!. It doesn't use blood and gore, sex, bad language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The old man and the sea - Hemingway!. Each time I read the struggle of Santiago I get something new that I can compare to my own struggle with life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com