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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm going to write a Twilight Fanfiction that is of humour genre. Ideas?

Question: I'm going to write a Twilight Fanfiction that is of humour genre!. Ideas!?
This is going to be my first fanfiction and I love reading funny ones so i decided i wanted to write a humourous Twilight Fanfction!.

Any helpful ideas!? you will be mentioned when i write it!.

im on holidays so im bored and impatiently waiting for Breaking DawnWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
talk about alice and jasper i like them!. talk about everyone and their pov on thing!. make it funny!! but dont get it published or eles you could get sued!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Talk about how Jasper can make a girl horny whenever he feels like it!. !.!.not that funny!.!.but still!. But make sure you dont like show your book to a lot of people!.!.their are so many obsessed Twilight freaks out their that might get totally offended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com