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Question: Anti-Twilighters!?
Would you hate Twilight as much if people weren't obsessing about it like they are!?

(By the way, I'm neither for nor against Twilight!. I'm neutral!. Personally, I don't think it's all that well-written, but I do think it can be enjoyed if you don't read too deeply into it!. I guess you could say I have no opinion!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If Twilight weren't so hyped up, I probably wouldn't have read it in the first place!

But supposing I had, I probably wouldn't have hated it!. I would still have the opinion that it's an okay book, could be better, could be worse, can never match up to the classics!.

Right now, my worst problem with the books is the obsession!.


I think that people would definitely hate it less if there weren't so many obssesed fans!.
I, like you, have no opinion about the Twilight books!. However, it does aggrivate me somewhat with all the questions on Yahoo Answers like: "Edward or Jacob" or questions like "What If Bella's Powers Weren't!.!.!."!. I haven't actually read the books, but do know the basic plot!. Therefore, I neither like or dislike the Twilight saga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that is true sort of, i read the first book and it was entertaining and fun just like watching a movie youll forget in two weeks!.The plots isnt so deep and there is better books out there that actually affect how you think about the world and leave an impact, unlike twilight the series!.Its annoying how people are going crazy over charchters that dont even exist or issues that arent real like Edward vs!. jacob!?
Get over itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not anti-twilight!. I'm kinda like you!. I mean i like it, i read it when it first came out and loved it but now other people are obsessed and saying its the best book ever when there are so many other good books out thee which dont get the publicity!.
There are alos people who are mad about twilight and twist every question so the answer is twilight and i cant stand that!. Those people are so immature and give twilight a bad name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't really understand the hype about twilight, i mean i tried to read the first book in the series and i couldn't get past page 200!. and i tried reading it like 3 time!. some parts were intresting and some were boring!. i just couldn't get into the book and i love to read, so that says alot!. i'm guessing it cause of the way stephanie myer writes that just doesn't intrests meWww@QuestionHome@Com

When I first read it I thought it was an okay read and I enjoyed discussing it with my best friend, but then I came on here and everyone was talking about it and obsessing over it like nothing I`ve ever seen!.!.!. I just lost interest!. I`ve read good books, MUCH better than Twilight, and it just left me wondering where we`re going in life if people idolize novels like that, compared to the classics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I still like Twilight!. I like the concept of the story!. Ms!. Meyer is a good storyteller as opposed to a writer!. Twilight is a good book, but Twilight obsessers need to get a grip!. There are really good books out there, and no book should be obsessed over!. I still like Twilight even with all these questions (It annoys me, but it doesn't dimnish the way I feel about the books)!. Twilight is not the best book ever, no book is, and other books should be given a try also!. That's all I have to say! Enjoy reading :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to absolutely ADORE Twilight!. Then two of my friends started reading it after I had finished the series, and then EVERYBODY started reading it!. It didn't feel like my book anymore!. And my friends started acting totally idiotic, calling themselves Mrs!. Edward Anthony Mason Cullen (anyone else HATE it when people do this!?) So now I don't like Twilight as much as I used to =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never read the Twilight series, but part of the reason is all the hype about it!. It drives me crazy how almost every question on the Yahoo! Answers books and authors section is about a Twilight book! I understand that people really like them, but they need to crawl out of the hole their hiding in and read some other books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes probably lots of my friends are really into it i also have no opinion!. it is a good book but im just not very interested in the current ones, although it is very origonal and i am looking forward to the movie

answer mine too please

yes i would dislike it less but i still think all of the current books are badly written

the fact that people tried to say that its the next harry potter didn't help!. twilight is twilight and harry potter is harry potter = not the same, shouldn't be compared!.it's insultingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The only reason I dislike Twilight in the first place is because of how much people online talk about it!.

Every time I browse YA, there's another fifty-or-so questions (or rants) that are either by a Twilight fan: "OMG I kno this questun has bin ask'd alot but who do u think shud Bella chose- edward (teh hottie!!!) or leik some1 her own age lol!?!!" or by someone who utterly hates the book: "STOP TALKING ABOUT TWILIGHT!!!! Lol!! That book suxxxx!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would still hate Twilight even if their weren't as many crazed Twilight fans hanging around!.

I would probably be less vocal about my dislike for the books, if every other question on here wasn't about twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as much!? No!. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most hatred I can sum up in my entire body, Twilight is at the 10 range at the moment!. If the obsession died down, it would probably go down to a 9!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would still hate Twilight, but not as much!. It just makes me hate it more to think that all these people are so obsessed with something this poorly written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um no!. I think the books are extremely boring, I just can't get into them like I can with the Narnia books or His Dark Materials!. Her writing puts me to sleep honestly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would probably be more neutral toward it, but I can't think of any way I would ever like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think most of the hate for Twilight is generated because it is such a mediocre book but people rave about it!. It just fuels my anger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never read those darn books, so I have no idea what they are talking about!. It sucks that there are so many questions I can't answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Holy crap, I'm going to have to read this book, there's a million posts about it each day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is an interesting book!.

I think people need to move on!. That about sums it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I absolutely would!. For the many many reasons I have stated!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would still hate Twilight but if everyone stopped raving about it I would consider it a crappy book and leave it on the shelf!. Or preferably, the trash!. But it makes me really annoyed when little teen girls who don't know how to read things that are staring them in the face go insane over the books and start writing rape fan fictions!. That is disturbing and that is what makes me answer these questions and bash Twilight!.
