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Question: Biography on Paul McCartney!?
Well, I absolutely love the Beatles, and I have decided to read all of their biographies!. I read John Lennon's first!. But now, I have decided to read my very favorite Beatle's biography!. I want to get a good one on Paul McCartney, preferably written by someone close to him!. The one I read about John Lennon was written by Cynthia Lennon!. I want the same mood-I guess is the word-as in the book, "John!."
Paul was a warm-hearted man, and I want that shown the very best it can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
go here:
and you will find tons of books written about The Beatles, plus lots of news and info and you can buy their CDs and it is a great Beatles site!.
as you can see by my name that I am a first generation Beatles fan and have read many many books about them - so many that I really can't recommend any - they all blend together after 40 plus years!. It is nice to see a new generation fan interested in them!.
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com