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Question: Huckleberry Finn epiphany question!?
I'm doing AP summer homework, and i'm just wondering about something!. On page 195, the "climax chapter", Huck writes a letter to miss Watson telling her where Jim is, but then he realizes that Jim was always there for him, so he decides to "go to hell", and tears it up!. I'm just wondering if this would be considered an epiphany!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it would!. Huck is experiencing an epiphany about his own character!. Until that moment, he is a boy rebelling against the world!. When he tears the paper up he has realized that he has the power to decide his own fate and that he is responsible for the outcome of his actions!. He won't grow up and do as the adults around him do!. He has already grown up and will follow his own heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

o yeah, definitely!. Lots of key themes of the text are drawn together!. For the instance it is more important for Huck to do what is natural than tohve a religious morality!. Jim and nature come as one entity to Hukck!. For instance Jim has taught huc how to survive away from society!.

also, it is natural for people to be free!. In the same way that huck wishes to be free from society and have the right to a childhood, Jim wants to be free from slavery, and free to take an adult- male role!. In terms of this Hucis actually closer to Jim, a black slave, who he has realised has helped him so much than any white people he has been taught to be loyal to!. For instance his farther kpt huk in the cabin against is will in thesame way that jim was trapped in the barn at the end of te play!. This is why huck's loyalties have suddenly switched!.

i love this part of the story!. the themes loyalty, slavery, feedom, nature, morality and religion are all addressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com