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Question: Is this a good opening for a book!?
I need some comments on the story!.
I edited the best i could!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you should elaborate just a BIT more, otherwise, it's pretty good, keep writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I represent a publishing company and if you submitted this to us for representation, I would give you the following critique:
Your storyline has great potential!. Everyone roots for the underdog which you have set up nicely here!. Your writing style needs more variation!. Almost every time a character speaks, it comes in the format of: "quote quote quote" character said!. Avoid using "said" as it is non-discript!. Try changing the pace and feel of each sentence so that they don't fall into a predictable pattern!. I hope you found this helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com