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Question: Alice cullen twilight costume ideas!?
i am going to be alice for the breaking dawn party at borders and i wanted some ideas!.!.!. of course i'll do the make-up and the contacts but what about the clothes!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hair: Maybe die it black if you dont have black hair already and if you can afford it then get it cut short and spikey or maybe in a bob or something!. If you dont have much to spend then maybe you coud buy some gel and make it spikey!.
Clothes: I think she would wear a girly dress, maybe a black one or perhaps a red one but i think a little black dress is great because everyone has one!.
Shoes: I think she would wear sandels or pumps and i think they would be little flat shoes as it says she walks gracefully and in pumps it is easy to take little gentle steps!.
Make Up: Well Alice is already gorgeous and i cant imagine her wearing alot of make up!. Maybe some natural eye make up!. I think she would wear loads of pink lip gloss though so get some of that!.
Thats all i can think of for now but have a great time being Alice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything Couture would be good, but that could become a very expensive costume - but maybe something that looks couture!. also, check out some collections from Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, Versace, Robert Cavalli, and people like that!. Then see what you can imitate from those collections!. It would also not be a bad idea to search some of these designers on Flickr and Photobucket for Runway photos!. Don't forget the black hair and I am sure you will look awesome!~Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a short pixie wig of course, and then try to pick out clothes from your closet that are timeless and some what high fashion, maybe a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a pair of heels, and a nice top!? have fun at the breaking dawn partyy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are seriously going to buy an outfit a month in advance to look like a fictional character and go to a book store party!?!


Try buying some temporary black hairdye

What about a little black dress and some cute flats!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it seems like everybodys going as alice theres gonna be like 20 alices at the release partysWww@QuestionHome@Com