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Question: Twilight series information!?
i have read the first two books in the twilight series (twilight and new moon)
i am trying to get my hands on the third book!.
and i cant wait till breaking dawn comes out in just a couple of weeks!

i am desperatly obsessed with the cullens and i have been left on a cliff hanging because i cant read the third book!!!
please tell me what hapens so i can satisfy myself with talking about the awesome books before going crazy without eclipse!!!!!
tell me everything you know!
and if there is a place online where i can actualy read the book (more than the first chapter) that would be great too!

i <3 edward cullen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well Bella is stuck in a love triangle with Edward and Jacob!. Victoria is gathering up an army to kill bella!. Bella learns why the werewolves don't like vampires!. Jacob kisses bella and she falls in love with him too!. It is already decided that bella will be changed into a vampire by Edward but not until after she graduates and she wants to have sex but he says not until after they're married and she is changed because he doesn't want to kill her if he loses control (aka gets too horny) and he doesnt want her to lose her chance of going to heaven (note Christians or mormons or whatever religion this story follows aren't supposed to have sex before marriage) At the end werewovles and vampires join together to fight Victoria and her army!. I'm not going to tell you more cuz i want you to go buy it too!. It's my favorite in the series!.
Hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter dies!. Trust me you NEED to get the book!. Here's a list of stores that sell them!.!.!.!.!.!.

Barnes and Noble
Books a Million

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

why dont u just got to barnes and noble and get the third book, i know this doesnt help at all but it wont nearly be as good and detailed if people give you a summary of it versus reading it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book is way better!. There are some really cool scenes, and some really cute and romantic scenes!. You need to read the book!. It is amazing!

Hope that helped!

Go 2 the store i cant explain it in words!

-Alice Cullen
Days till breaking dawn:18Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sent you a message!. Please read and reply back quick :)Www@QuestionHome@Com