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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Ideas for a humourous Twilight Fanfiction? Help! Is this one good?

Question: Ideas for a humourous Twilight Fanfiction!? Help! Is this one good!?
I am slowly getting an idea about a fanfiction of what the twilight characters do when they think no1 is watching

is that a good idea!? any ideas of the funny things they do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alice - goes shopping 24/7 & makes Jasper hold her bags!.
Rosalie - checks herself out in the mirror all the time!.
Emmett - working out & going to the gym!. admiring muscles!.

Haha, that's all I can think of!. Hope I helped!

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 18 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to see that!. I really like the way Stephenie Meyer writes, I just don't like what the books are about!. It's kinda dumb!. Maybe when no one is watching, Bella goes down to Jacob and Edward gets all mad at her and chases her down to La Push, which breaks the treaty, so the werewolves and the vampires fight and Bella ends up dieing so the vampires and werewolves are sad and stop fighting and become best friends! Or!.!.!.everyone can die (Bella first) so there will be no more anybody and the vamps and werewolves from all over the world join this fight against easch other and then they all die and there will be no mythical creatures anymore and then there will be no Twilight series! Yay! Then maybe Meyer will learn not to write about dumb stuff like this and write something cooler!Www@QuestionHome@Com

talk about Alice a jasper and make them funny!. or pick a annoying habit and put them for the characters!. like Rosalie she's all pretty make her look at her self a lot and always wanting Emmett to go shopping with her and write about Emmett complain about how it's so boring!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never actually read a Twilight fanfiction!.
That sounds like a good idea!.

If you write one, post the link and I'll read it :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

They eat and throw shpagetti!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com