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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there any difference between the UK and US version of the Harry Potter books?

Question: Is there any difference between the UK and US version of the Harry Potter books!?
even if it just a small difference I still want to know details would help thanks one of my friends live in U!.S but only buys the UK versions so yeahWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, all it is is the slang!.
And sometimes sentences have an extra word, or is changed!.


JK Rowling is a great author!.
I wondered the same question about the different versions of Harry Potter!. So when i traveled abroad I purchased a copy of the British book of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (number six)!.
I noticed many small differences!. For one the spelling is different for the same words!. Like color and colour!. Same word different spellings!. Terms are not changed thought!. I have read English version and British and both say the same thing!.
As for the covers, there are different illustrators!.
You can see the cover of the English version of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at this link!. http://i6!.photobucket!.com/albums/y250/Ph!.!.!.
You can see the cover of the British version of Harry Potter at this link!. http://bookend!.files!.wordpress!.com/2008/!.!.!.

I really hope I helped you prevent one more headache and unanswerd question in the world!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually there is!.
Here's a website that will help!. It has a complete list of all the differences between the two versions and pages they appear on!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spelling is different and some of the terms but really, Americans aren't all stupid!. I knew what a philosopher stone was before the book came out and changing it to sorcerer's stone was really unnecessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know the first book's called the sorcerers stone in the US but the philosophers stone in UK and Australia but thats it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would assume just the language, or slang terms, and the spelling of words (maths, centre, colour)!. Not sure though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there is the spelling in the U!.K!. version is different!I thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com