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Question: Title Ideas!!!!?
I need help with the name of the story I'm writing!. Here is some backround info: It is going to be book 1 of the Memory series I'm writing and the main sequence of this story is that a women with no memory of her life gets stranded and found and tries to start new when she is found by a man and his family of five brothers!.
I don't want to give to much away in case someone tries to steal my idea!.!.!.!.if you need more info you can email me and I'll try to explain it more!.

I need just title ideas and maybe even character names!. NOTHING ELSE!! I really think it's rude when people just answer to insult your story idea!.!.SO DON'T!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lost & Found
Starting Anew
Then There He Was
Finding ______ (main charc's name)

Elizabeth, Liz, Susan, Edie, Lauren, Melissa, SophieWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the story could be called something like:
Hard to think!.
Cant remember!.
Brain Ache
The Need to Remeber
Help to Remember

As for names;
The woman's name could be:
Anything really!.

The brothers should have ordinary names like Jack, James, Tom!.
THe one special guy should have a cool modern name like Dylan or Toby or Alfie to show he is something special!.

Good luck with your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some ideas:
Stranded Memories
Forgotten Memories
Found & Forgotten
(I know, they are mostly the same words, but that's all I can think of!)
Some names that you could use for the five brothers are:
Edward (would be nicknamed Eddie)
That sounds like a really interesting series! Perhaps I shall read it in the future!.
Hope it goes well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well just to let you know i wouldnt steal ur idea i just like reading the stories!. maybe the title should be "Lost yet Found" or "Lost but Found"
the lady with no memory maybe her name should be Gabriella but i dont know cuz i would need more details for the characters to give them a name
but its a pretty good story : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry, but there's a movie that's exactly like that except its with a man and four kids!. But i guess i should nt say anything, after all, people reuse ideas all the time (TWILIGHT) and they turn out fine!. Forgotten!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

searching for _____ (whatever the name of the person that loses her memory)

answer mine too please!?

Forgetfully Stranded

I got it from when you said:
"no memory of her life gets stranded"Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about "lost" or something like forgottenWww@QuestionHome@Com