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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are good romance and mystery books you'd recommend?

Question: What are good romance and mystery books you'd recommend!?
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Dean Koontz is great for Mystery/Horror!. also James Patterson!. Romance!.!.!.!.!. Pat Conroy is good, I hear!. I've never read her stuff though as I am not a big Romance fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon!. I recommend it very highly!. It is the first in a series of 6 books!. The main characters love and fight and have adventures and grow old together!. You will fall in love with both the male and female main characters and by the time you get to page 50, you will be up all night just to see what happens next and you will not do housework or eat until you find out!. It is my most fave book of all time and I am "ahem, cough cough" old and have read many many books and it is the one I turn to again and again!. The other books in the series are great too, but "outlander" ranks above everything else!. Please read it and let me know how you like it!. It might start a little slow, but, as I say, once you get to page 50, fasten your seatbelt!. have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont normally read romance novels, but was given this book before a long day at the beach!.

"Morning Glory" by LAVYRLE SPENCER

It was great!!

And romance and mystery combined !.!. try any of the books from JD Robb!. I have read most of them (there are probably 12 in this series)!. It is called the "In Death" series!.

Good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably the best mystery writer ever was Agatha Christie!. Start off with "Murder on the Orient Express" or "Death on the Nile!." If those two won't hook you on her, then she's not your writer!. I think they will, though; they are classics and a delightful read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Beach House- James Patterson
Flowers in the Attic Series- V!. C Andrews

And other V!.C Andrews Series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of Nora Roberts book are mystery/romance eg!.!.!.
The Reef
Angels Fall
Divine EvilWww@QuestionHome@Com