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Question: Buying from Amazon for the first time, questions!?
I am planning on buying three books from amazon, with a gift card!. They're in my shopping cart right now, and it says that the subtotal is $27!.01!. My question is, when do you pay the shipping fee!? I am buying all three of the book from The Book Depositry, for $3!.99 each!. also, are there any deals or anything else that I should no before buying this books!? Thanks, I know that these are pretty stupid questions buy I have never boughten anything online before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The shipping and handling is added after you hit check out, so make sure you have enough on the gift card to cover it!. Deals!? There aren't many; the used books deal is a big deal (to me) since it's possible to get a brand new book which has only been read once for $2!.99 versus $12!.99!. This can really cut the price down!. Be careful of Amazon saying, "Add $xx to your order and you can have free shipping!" Although helpful, it's not worth wasting money on!. also, if you want to keep shipping fees down, choose the normal shipping, not anything faster!.

I think you're set! I love Amazon<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

The shipping gets added as you start the checkout process!. It does let you know you're full total charge before you hit the final submit button, so you can still change your mind in case the shipping is too much or more than you expected!. I often go halfway through the checkout process just to check shipping charges!. It's a goofy system, but as long as you don't click submit order, you can always go back and change the order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The shipping is factored in when you finish going through checkout!. It will give you your total!. As far as other deals, you just can look for the book you want, and it will show you the lowest price someone offers for that book!. They aren't stupid questions at all, btw!. If it's your first time buying, you want to be careful! ^_^ Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The shipping will be added once you are ready to checkout!. There arent many deals on Amazon!. The only deal is to buy something used for a lower price!.Www@QuestionHome@Com