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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do you like or dislike the Twilight series?

Question: Why do you like or dislike the Twilight series!?
Be specific, and not some answer like "BECAUSE EDWARD IS SOOOOO HAWT" or "becuz they suck"!.
I want a well-thought out answer!. Make the answer worth the two points, and the best answer worth another 10!. The examples I used DON'T TELL ME WHY YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE THE BOOKS!. Is it the depth of the characters (if you think they have depth)!? Is it the writing style (if you think it's done well or not)!?

If you know me, you know which side I'm on, but I'm not saying, cuz I'll probably get a bunch of flames from the opposite side, and then no one will answer my question!.

Thank you ahead of time for you politeness in this!. (Gee, I hope I'm not being assuming!. But I know you're decent human beings, so I hope I'm not!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd like to point out: 'Holy crow' is what Bella is like!. She's not the kind of person who swears!. Don't you know anyone like that!? End of story!.
also: If you read the second and third book, only a few people are Bella's friends, everyone else either doesn't really care or hates her, because she went insane when Edward left and always knocks people over in gym!. People do not 'love' her!.
also: There are maybe three hundred people at that school!. If you actually read the book, it says they've grown up with the same people around their entire lives!. Wouldn't you be excited if someone new was coming!? Wouldn't guys (who would be bored with the girls if they hadn't found a girlfriend by then) be curious as to whether or not they would like her!?
also: Guys, come on! Twilight was Stephenie Meyer's first novel EVER!. Do you REALLY think it would be perfect!? also, the characters are very developed and full of personality!. Are you telling me Alice is the same as Bella or Jacob!? Geez, anyone who says the characters aren't developed must be blind!.
also: The only reason Bella wants to be a vampire is because she loves Edward so much!. She wouldn't want to be come a vampire at all if not for Edward!.
also: Edward is over-protective, but he doesn't 'grope' (it wasn't every other sentence, some people should really learn not to exaggerate), he's not malicious, and he was born in 1901, how do oyu expect him to act anyway!?
also: Just because you're a police chief doesn't mean you are a light sleeper!. If you notice, Edward moves 'silently'!.
also, Bella actually was willing to sacrifice her own life to save her mother in the first book, Edward in the second book, and Seth Clearwater and Edward in the third book!. So DON'T say she has no backbone, because she absolutely, 100% does!. also, Bella reads alot (hobby), goes out with friends, and also, she never started to lie to her parents until it was necessary (to keep vampires a secret, DUH)!. She said no to Edward at the end of the last book, if you remember as well, with great effort on her part!.
also, what's with all the dissing love!? I mean, you don't know what it's like, so holy crap, stop saying how corny it is when you have know idea what that specific relationship is like!.
And lastly, if these books are so horrible, shallow, corny, plotless and the characters suck so much, then how come they're selling in the millions, the author got her books published in the first place, there's going to be FOUR AND A MOVIE, there are thousands of fan sites, merchandse and deviant art!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im just gonna get this out in the open!.!.!. I'm not a fan of bella!. She just bugs me!. As people have said she is whiny and needy!. also in Eclipse when she kissed jacob, i wanted to kill her!.

On the other hand, I love edward!. He's perfect and thats why so many people like him!. Whats not to like!. Of course people like edward don't exist but it's nice to dream!. I also love all her characters!. They are what makes the story!. People like Mike, Jane, Emily, and Rosalie are just amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dislike the Twilight series!.

Ms!. Meyer's writing is not to my taste; it's so cliché and honestly, a bit immature-sounding!. Her story has no twists and we all know she will never get rid of Edward or Bella considering she's infatuated with both!. Speaking of the characters, I don't particularly like either!. Edward is too perfect and Bella is whiny and rather needy!. I like my stories to be original and refreshing, but Twilight is neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, I liked them because even though it was kind of simple reading, they were well thought out stories, and they were interesting, not like some books out there!. They had that hook factor that you don't find in a lot of books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the characters and the way the story just sucked me in!. It made me care about what happened to Bella and Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The plot has been used over and over again!. (Oh, my the way, I don't like Twilight!.) A girl has flaws!.!.!. a boy she likes and is hot likes her!.!.!. they both like each other!.!.!. later there's sex!.!.!. she fells in love with him!.!.!. they get married!.!.!. happy ending!.!.!. It isn't my type!.

The characters also don't have depth!. Bella does not think!. She only goes after things she likes like a five year old!. Edward is too perfect!. NOTHING is wrong with him!. Jacob is a immature guy who is a lot like Bella!. You get my point!.

The series might had been good, but the style went from bad to worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of people think the Twilight Series has a typical plot - handsome guy goes for a nobody and they fall in love and live happily ever after!. But Twilight is taking that concept, that perfect utopipa, and adding depth and intricacy to it!. It's not just a silly love story like SO many people would like to think!. It provides an escape for readers into a world that is so different from their own, but at the same time relatable to real life!. It balances reality with intrigue and magic, making for a hit series for teen readers!. It teaches readers about choice, love, and personal loss and limits!. It's not one-dimensional, like your average high school drama chick lit book!. What I like about it is that is explores the realm of imagination without totally grounding itself to that plane!. In other words, it appeals to readers because in today's mundaneness, we all need a little bit of far-fetched adventure!. But Twilight is not so far-fetched that you finish the book thinking, " I hated that! It was so fake!" I speak for myself when I say that I finished the series thinking, " Wow!. This totally normal girl moves to this crappy place where it rains constantly, and there, she is able to find her true love who just so happens to be a vampire!?!!? That's awesome!. Give me more!" Twilight took the mundaneness of life and molded into a fantasy, which is incredible!. Harry Potter is soley fantasy!. Merlin is soley fantasy!. But with Twilight, everything started out NORMAL!. You think, "Where is this going!?" The way the story unfolds is incredibly intriguing! What I find admirable is that Stephenie Meyer was able to incoporate real life into this series!. That way, teens can relate to it, but also escape into it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sort of like and hate Twilight at the same time!.

I like it because the scenes are so intense!. They pull me in!. Like the meadow scene in Twilight!. When I'm thinking about it in my head, I think it's cheesy, but when I'm reading it!.!.!.whoa! also, I think that the series has a lot of good side characters, like Rosalie, Jacob, and the Volturi!.

What I don't like is how Edward is so perfect!. That bugs me, because people like that don't exist!. And I don't like how Bella is so dependent on him!. In Twilight, she still read and hung out with friends, and it was okay!. Then, in New Moon, she got all obsessive!. also, I really dislike the plot!. It's very unoriginal!.


I dislike the Twilight series!.
First of all, the characters are two-dimensional and annoying!. Edward is too perfect and practically abusive!. Bella is the most frustrating 'heroine' in the history of literature!. The other characters have no depth (especially the Cullen family)!. They're pretty much beautiful and rich with a horrific background story!.
Second of all, Meyer ruined vampires!. Really, they sparkle in the sun!? That's just stupid!.
Thirdly, the allegories are obvious and really not good!. She makes them so clear as if her readers are idiots (well most of her readers are teenagers who haven't been introduced to good literature)!.
Fourthly, where is the love!? It's more like obsession!. Edward just once Bella for her blood and she just wants him because he's hot!. There's really no love; just lust!.
Fifthly, Bella is just stupid!. She blindly follows Edward as if he's the best thing for her!. She wants to be a vampire!. And there's been no development on her part, even though she has now graduated!. She still acts like a fourteen year old girl and is still the damsel in distress!.
Sixthly, it's shallow!.
Seventhly, it's redundant!.
And the list goes on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dislike twilight for many reasons!. I loath the characters, they are completely Mary Sue!. I think the writing is terrible, it’s very cluttered and full of unnecessary adjectives that if removed would make it flow ore smoothly!.

I dislike how Edward, the male lead, is abusive YES EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE, towards Bella the amazing walking doormat!. He is controlling and cruel and possessive, stalkerish, jealous and yet is portrayed as a good person!.

Bella is by far the single most annoying protagonist ever!. She truly annoys me with her whiney poor me poor me attitude and selfishness!. She clings to Edward like drowning children cling to a life preserver; she lies constantly to her parents!. She is beloved by everyone in school for absolutely no reason!. She follows Edward like a lost puppy!. She has no goals no ambitions, no hobbies, no talents, and no life!. She lives to love Edward that’s it!. also she has no back bone!. She ahs about as much spine asn a wet noodle and she cant say no to Edward!.

Bella and Edward's relationship is another big about this book that bothers me!. It’s unhealthy yet it is portrayed as being true love!. She clings to him and can’t live with out him!. To her he is more important that life it self!. She is obsessed with him completely and that’s not healthy!. Edward, as I previously stated, is emotionally abusive!. Yes its true so please don’t crush my faith in humanity by saying he has never hit her!. Abuse is more than just hitting!. They are not passionately in love they are infatuated!. He likes her because she smells good and she likes him because he looks like a god!.

The dialogue annoys me too!. It’s very tacky and stiff!. “Bring on he shackles-I'm your slave" What teenager do you know that actually talks like that!? "You're my brand of Heroine!?" "Friends don’t let friends drink and drive; you are intoxicated by my presence!." Come On! No one I mean absolutely no one talks like that!.

How over rated the books are bothers me too!. These books are made to look like the best thing to happen since sliced bread and pizza delivery but really they mediocre at best!. NORMALLY I would over look this and just move on but the problem is that books follow trends!. If one Book sells extremely well an army of plot clone books comes out and we have to deal with them!. It happened with Harry potter and it is happening now with twilight!.

The story line and plot are both over done and too cheesy!. How many times have we had a teen vampire romance book!? Perhaps had the execution been better I would not have minded but with all of the previously stated flaws and many of the smaller ones I feel that the books are over rated!.

Now I have no problem with people liking twilight but I am annoyed at people obsessing over it!. There are better books out there if you look for them and these books are lowering the standards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you so much, I'm so glad someone finally asked this! I'm not a huge fan of them, but I'd like to point out that I am in no way a 'hater' I'm just a girl with really strong opinions =P

1) I'm thirteen and I thought the characters weren't developed well in the least!. Meyer used Bella's cliched flaws to try to make her endearing, and failed miserably!. Bella is a seemingly unattractive, plain, clumsy, self-concious girl, yet every person with a 'y' chromosome feels the need to throw themselves at her!. Please, spare me!.

2) Bella and Edward's 'love' is never explained!. The only thing we know is that she thinks he's hot and he thinks she smells good!. Not exactly a captivating romance!.

3) The entire series revolves around 'Edward is beautiful and prefect and gorgeous', 'I hate Forks', 'Edward is beautiful and perfect and gorgeous', 'How dare these people actually be nice to me, they must be out to get me, that's the only explaination', 'I hate Forks', 'Edward is beautiful and perfect and gorgeous'!. Gets a little straining after a while!.

4) The dialogue isn't in keeping with the targeted age group!. At one point (eighteen-year-old) Bella actually states "Holy crow!" Come on, I'm a thirteen year old and I don't even say things like that!.

5) There are so many plot holes it's ridiculous!. I mean, her father is the Chief of Police and he doesn't know that a strange man is sneaking into his daughter's room at night and sleeping over!? Call me crazy, but I find that really hard to believe!.

6) Bella is one of the most co-dependant characters I've ever come across, and I've come across a lot of characters!. At first, she was okay, not ideal, but okay!. But after she met Edward, she became completely dependent on the Cullens, drooling over them and hanging on their every word!. If Edward didn't come to school one day, was she seriously going to die!? I think not!.

7) And Edward! Ugh, I thought I was going to hurl at all the corny one-liners he was dishing out!. 'Before you my life was like a moonless night, but you brighten up my world with your beauty' (or something to that effect) Yes, okay, you like her, we get the point, geeze! And through the entire book, he was practically groping her!. Every other sentence was '!.!.!. and he leaned in to brush his marble lips once more to my [insert body part here] I'm glad I'm not a gullible person, because this is teaching teenage girls that groping is okay, it shows that the guy loves you! Not a great message to be putting out there, especially in this day and age!.

Again, these are only my thoughts, I'm not trying to bad-mouth the 'Twilighters' or 'Fanpires' or 'Twihards' or whatever they're currently calling themselves!. Just my opinions, like 'em or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like them a lot because I think the writing style is very good, I love the characters, and I think they do have depth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com