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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you help me with this book??

Question: Can you help me with this book!?!?
I have read I Will Plant you a Lilac Tree a couple of months before school let out!. Now, I am doing bookcards this summer and I chose it to do a bookcard over!. The problem is, I read it at the beginning of this year and dont remember all of the facts in it!. My local library doesnt have it so I ordered the book and it was supposed to be in on the 5th of this month, but I still dont have it!. :( So can you all answer a few of these questions to help me out!? I would appreicate it sooo much! Even if you know one, please answer!.

1!.What literary period does this book fit into and what are the movements of that period!? (I dont understand what this is asking)
2!.What are the theme(s) of this book amd how are they developed!?
3!.What are the literary techniques usd in the book!?
4!.Umm!.!. I need some really good critical essays so if you can find some that would be great! I looked but I cant find any good ones!.
If you can answer any of these then I would greatly appreciate it!!
Thanks a lot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.What literary period does this book fit into and what are the movements of that period!?

this is basically asking about the writing era and what was going on in the ever-changing world of literature at the time it was written!.!.!. each generation had it's own struggles in the world and they all affected the trends in literature!. they want you to tell them which generation this book fits into and what was changing at that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 5th isnt that long away!. Good luck with that essay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com