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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'd like to send a short story to a magazine. How do author's rights wor

Question: I'd like to send a short story to a magazine!. How do author's rights work in this case!?
I would like to send a short story to a magazine!. Do I need register for author's rights first!? How do these rights work!?
Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You do not register for author's rights!. You have author's rights!.

These rights will be addressed if/when your submission is picked up for printing!. You'll be given a written agreement/contract (normally) to sign that will stipulate exactly what the publication plans to do with your story, how long it holds sole printing rights, how it will use your story (A lot of good lit mags will submit their best stories to various anthologies and prizes), and whether or not it is reserving rights for a second run!.

That seems like a lot, but really it's not!. You'll also be told up front how you will be compensated!. Monetary compensation is kind of rare for beginning writers and small publications, but some of the bigger ones will pay by the word!. Most will pay you in Contributor Copies, and stuff similar to that!.

Finally, they will tell you what they want/need to change and because of your moral rights as the author you have the right to tell them no on any suggested changes!. However, they won't run your story!. I've never personally met anyone who has refused a change!. It's hard to get published!.

If you are concerned about a magazine stealing your story from you: Don't!. Make sure the mag is legit before you submit, but you'll be fine!.

Author's rights are a pretty obscure, yet assumed entity in reference to publishing!. Believe it or not legit publishers will try to look out for your best interests!. They, after all, depend on writers wanting to work with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They usually tell in the guidelines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com