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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing a really good novel but I hate it...?

Question: I'm writing a really good novel but I hate it!.!.!.!?
I'm writing a Young Adults novel with a great plot and everything!. I love the theme of it and I think lots of other teens will too but I hate my writing!. It doesn't seem good enough or up to standards!. Being a HS student you don't learn much about mechanics, formation, and things like that (Though I know a bit from previous years)!. We go into history with our English curriculum!. I've been told lots of times that I am a good writer but it doesn't seem to show in my novel!. I'm to embarassed to let a teacher revise it because this is my personal story and thoughts plus I'm not really close with teachers!. What should I do!? I've already written the first 50 pages and now I'm thinking about throwing it all away because it doesn't seem good enough!. I read alot of books and this doesn't seem up to par you know!.!.!.!? What should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMG! I feel EXACTLY the same way! All my friends tell me i'm good but i could be lying!. I hate showing it to a teacher cause then i wouldn't want them to judge me based on my writing if i want to write something teachers consider too mature for my age!. Then i would have to see them in 5th period!. AWKARD! You can email me at candygyrl0711@yahoo!.com if you want me to read some of it!. I wouldn't mind because I'm a rising sophmore and i'll give you straight up honest advice!. i honestly am looking for someone who can give me honest advice too!. Not bull crap!. If you want some advice for writing I go to www!.writing-world!.com and it has bunch of articles and info on how to write!. you can also join an online critque group like urbis!.com and i heard about chapteread!.com too!. Good luck on your writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not being close to teachers is good, in this case!. They won't be biased or too kind!. Writers need hard criticism from people who know what they're talking about!.

I suggest writing, keep writing, and come start of school, give it to your new english teacher or something and see what they think!. You might be nervous, but the end result with be worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trash it!. Literally!. Burn the manuscript, delete the file, whatever!. Write something that you don't mind showing to a teacher you aren't close to!.

And don't rush it!. Take your time!. Read a lot of novels in the genre!. I think reading is more important than writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might want to consider a ghost writer!. These are very common with people who want to publish their work!. They do exactly what you are looking for!.
If you are not looking to get published and just want to write, then keep writing!. You'll only get better with practice!. You could try posting anonymously to a writing group (Yahoo groups has plenty)!. That way you can get feedback without attaching your name!.
My best advice is not to fear feedback!. That's how we all get better!. Find someone who will be honest with you (not a friend who will smile and nod)!. Nobody writes their best work on their first try - keep at it and you'll continually improve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com