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Question: What do you like about this creatures!?


-!.!.uh, Werewovles

-Any other creatures you can think ofWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't really like them much!. I'm more of a Centaur and Dwarf kind of guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fairies from Artemis Fowl: Technologically advanced and magical!.

Mermaids: Er!.!.!. Can live underwater, I guess!. I don't really do mermaids

Werewolves, like from HP: Some evil, some good, but possible to be either!.

Elves, like from LOTR: Alien, graceful, capable, wise!.

Dwarfs, like from LOTR: Sensible, brave!.

Vampires, like from Twilight: Hot!.

Um!.!.!. I'm running out of creatures!.

Dragons, like from Eragon: Huge, strong, intelligent!.

Wookies: One word: Chewbacca!

That's all I can think of!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on which ones!.


Fey from 'Wicked Lovely': Okayish!. slightly controlling and definitly twisted!. Pretty cool though!.

HP: Not bad, but not really described too well either!.


HP: Totally awesome!. So different from your regular mermaids, the ones that flit around like they're God's gift to the sea, prettiest things you've ever seen with fins!. Yeah, those aren't great!.


Twilight: LOVE THEM! Well, with the exception of one very pig-headed Jacob Black, but other than that, they're awesome!.

Underworld (lychins): Totally amazing!. I love them!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm it depends on your personal perception or what you've read in books!.

I tend to think of Fairies as possibly deceiving and clever

Mermaids are always good, in my book

Werewolves can be bad, but can also be misunderstood!. In Twilight, I LOVE werewolves!Www@QuestionHome@Com