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Question: The song of Roland!?
Is this a true story!?

The reason why im asking is because i have to answer a question for school and it asks!.!.!.

"What did you like about the book and how did it broaden you educational background"!?

And i need to no if this is true or not to answer it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would say part of the story is true!. it is based on some historicle events!.
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If you are referring to the Mediaeval poem, yes!. It certainly was true!. It was the earliest, and probably the most famous, of the French epics known as "Songs of Deeds"!.

The general storyline is factual!. However, you have to take into consideration that it was written around the end of the 11th c!. and it's about a disaster that took place in A!.D!. 778!. Given that about 300 years passed before this particular story was written down in the form that came down to us, there may be aspects that are not entirely accurate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In fact the French encountered a group of Spanish bandits!. There was a somewhat unimportant battle with them!. The poet of the Song mde it into a conflict between Islam and Christianity and made Roland and Charlemagne the last bastions of Christianity in Europe!. Look at the numbers and it's easy to tell there is exaggeration in the poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you mean the Stephen King book!.!.!.
NO, it is totally fictional!. He sometimes incorporates real events in his stories--but the stories are still stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com