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Question: Vampires!!!?
What do you like about vampires!? :)

I'm bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Immortality is a very powerful concept!. The idea of living through many different eras of history is compelling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the vampire stories before they were made into vegetarians by the Twilight series!

They should bite, drink blood, turn people into vampires, only awake in darkness, terrified of daylight, garlic, crosses, and wooden stakes and they should scare the bejezus out of you!

Give me the Christopher Lee and Peter Cushen type anytime!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on the vampires your talking about:

I don't really like the classic ones!. I never did!. I always found them rather weak!. I mean, if a chunk of wood, some holy water and sunlight can kill you then what good are you!? And i mean, c'mon, garlic can repel you!? Talk about pathetic!.

Meyer's version:
Cullens/Denali coven: Probably their diet!. I think it's cool that they've found a way to tame their monster!.

Volturi: Ther strength!. How great is that!? a whole Italian vampire mafia! That's just wicked cool!.

Mortal Instruments vamps:
One word: AMAZING! super sexy motorbikes run on dark energy!?! How amazing is that!?! And they're just plain cool!.

Blue Bloods version:
Definitly cool!. I like how it's a spin off of the whole 'reincarnation' bit!. And i love that they're the top of society!. That makes a lot of sense!. And who doesn't love Jack Force!?

Overall though, i'd have to say that i like the immortality feature best!. Getting to live through so much and not be affected by any mere mortal affliction or weapon is mind boggling!. It'd be amazing to have that gift!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me I like it that they can be evil creatures of the night and usually they are but I don't like it that, now most writers make them good guys, the majority make them sappy and crappy!. I also like it how each writer takes different parts of the lore and changes the way they can be killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummmm i read twilight and i dunt like how romancy it is but everyine at school is OBSESSED!. i like that vampires are neither good nor evil but somewhere in between so it gives u room to make up ur own mind!. like Tyki Mikk from D gray man- he is a noah so hes evil- but he likes to pretend hes human so he has an escape from his dastardly deeds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their teeth! Hahaha! I like that they are night creatures (I adore the moon) and that there are so many stories told with different kinds - good, evil, fat, skinny, nerdy, sexy, tall!.!.!.well I've never heard of a short vampire!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I love Twilight vampires because they are "vegetarians" and they are gorgeous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the fact that they live during the night!. the night is very misteriouse to most humans since we r usually sleeping unless we are partying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the fact that they can live forever and in twilight i like it that they can be sexy vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That they get to live forever!.

Good question, finally something different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that they have lots of money, interact with humans and live 4 ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you ever read the book Twilight, its amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com