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Question: Better Book!?
For English I either have to read The Golden Compass or Then There Were None!. What are both books about (a summary) and which one is betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Golden Compass is fantasy adventure along the lines of the Chronicles of Narnia!. Girl rescues world and saves the day with a lot of animals working with her!. Then There Were None is a mystery with a big twist!. The writing is a little on the difficult side but the overall tale is full of more twists than a pretzel and just when you think you have figured it out it changes again!. The really odd thing is both have been made into movies, and neither of the movies stayed with the original tale from the book!. Hope this helps you out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

THe golden compass is about another world where everyone has an animal companion who sort of carries their soul and they are together all the time!. It is set in another world, and basically there is this little girl who finds out about kids being taken to the artic for experiments that separate them from their animals, and so she goes there to try to save them with the help of some gypsies and giant bears!. I thought it was quite good and interesting, but I haven't read the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com