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Question: Ordered books from Amazon - shipping dates keep getting changed!?
In June I ordered 3 books from Amazon!.com!. They said the books would come August 6th!. Just yesterday I looked again and the arrival date changed to August 13th-16th!? Has this happened to anyone else and do you usually get your Amazon books earlier than the estimated date!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I usually get the books earlier than the estimated arrival date when I'm ordering from Amazon, itself, as opposed to an Amazon seller!.

However, when you are preordering a book, you have to change the shipping from "ship together" to ship as it arrives or as available!. If you don't do that, then the books that are already published will not be sent to you until the preordered books are available to ship!.

When preordering a book, you may find that the publishing date changes!. In a case like this, Amazon is not at all responsible!. They can only ship when it becomes available!. However, if you've checked the option to ship in one order, you will have to wait to receive your items until all the preordered items are available to ship!.

You can, however, change your shipping options!. To do this, you have to go into your account!. This can be difficult!. One time this happened to me, and I had to cancel the entire (very long) order and reorder each item - making sure that I clicked on ship as available (or something to that effect)!. That way the preordered items did not hold up the rest of the order!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you order from Amazon or one of the other companies with which they are affiliated!? I order on the web site quite often; however, I search for a bargain and click on the new and gently-used sections to find discounted items of the same book!. I've found that the customer ratings are extremely helpful in determining the level of previous clientele satisfaction!. Either way, however, Amazon allows about a three week window from the time you ordered to the time the books arrive!. Most of these smaller book carriers try to expedite orders so that they can maintain a five star status!. It could be that Amazon itself didn't have the book in stock and then had to reschedule the shipment date!. If you want to get a better deal, you might cancel the order you placed, then go to a smaller distributor on Amazon's site!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't blame Amazon - it isn't their fault!. Amazon gets books from a distributor - probably Ingram!. Ingram gets them from the publisher!. If the publisher is out of stock and Ingram doesn't have the books to ship to Amazon, your order becomes a backorder!. It can happen with anything--not just books!. Ever order clothes from a catalog and get a notice that your shirt is on backorder!? That is how the business world works!. You aren't the only person out there placing orders!. You can either cancel the order and pick the books up in a store or you can wait!. No other choices!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Check to see if the release date on the preorder was pushed up!. My guess would be a publishing issue, not all books make their publishing date on time!. Since you want to have all 3 shipped at the same time, the other two will have to wait also!. I've never ever had a problem with Amazon myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats happened 2 me loads b4!. Dont worry, they probably just had 2 restock the item!. I normally get the dates changed of the item, but it does come earlier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah that happened to me it took three months!. I hope you don't need them right away!. You can e-mail and complain, but it doesn't do much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I stopped ordering from Amazon!. Three times I didn't get the books I ordered at all!. I lost about $60 to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i ordered books in november and didnt get them until the end of january!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no this dindt happened to me but maybe its because the books ran out or somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com