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Question: Ideas for a novel!?
so i need good ideas for this novel i started!.!.!. i have a really good beginning but i dont know whtat the main point is!.!.!.

so it starts out as a girl who moves to this really iscolated town, and she meets a girl in her neighborhood with a cute brother!.!.!. they both are entering this really good private school together, and i dont konw what to do for there!.!.!.

i need good ideas, please!.

i DOUBT that this book is going to sell, but if it does that would be SO good for me and my family, because we have very little money but education is very important!.

please hlepWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What genre is this!? Romance!?
Maybe, at this private school, they can write and recieve letters to/from their families!. How about the cute brother send a letter to his sister to give to the girl, and they eventually start writing back and forth to one another!? Then, the girl escapes from the school every night to go meet the brother and eventually gets caught!?
Or something like that!.!.!. I'd read it :)

You'll need to throw another boy in there somewhere in the school!. Maybe he's a tutor or something, I don't know!. But have him fall for the girl, too!. Eventaully he finds out that she's escaping the school every night and gets jealous because he sees the girl with the other boy!. Some things happen and that's how she gets caught!.

Good luck :)
I hope you sell many, many books one day :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can't even come up with your own ideas then you should give it a miss, because being a novelist obviously isn't for you!. You should have a story to tell before you begin writing, otherwise you're wasting your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

joining a writing community has helped me, I joined this great and free writing site called chapteread!.com!. There is something about being around other writers that keeps me inspired and imaginative!.

It's worth checking out and good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com