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Question: What's left!? WARNING, CREATIVE THINKERS ONLY!!?
I really want to write a book, but it seems like everything good has been done to death!!

I don't want to write anything having to do with ghosts, seeing as I don't believe in them, or the future, my imagination isn't broad enough for that, I think!.

So what do you think!? Any good ideas you're willing to contribute!? (also, if you answer saying, "How are you going to write a book when you can't even come up with an idea yourself!?" Please move on!.)

Thank you!. 10 points to whoever appeals to the broadest audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best books aren't just about pirates or vampires, or whatever the characters happen to be; they're about universal truths of the human condition!. They use pirates or vampires or something else to show problems, or illustrate values, or to reveal something that is otherwise hidden about what it means to be alive, to be human!.

Dracula, for instance, isn't just about a guy who lives by drinking blood!. People have different takes on it, of course, but it means a lot more than just the actions that take place in the story!. I see it as a way of illustrating the idea that staying alive requires death, that living beings rely on the death of other living things in order to keep living!.

The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, isn't simply a story of a woman who is bored with her life, but is a way of talking about the historical oppression of women by men and how smart and powerful women cope with that!.

Memento would be interesting if it were just a telling of events that happen to a man who can't make new memories, but it's deeper and more profounding interest is as a statement about how all of us see the world as we choose rather than as it is, about how we can lie to ourselves in order to maintain a fiction that we hold more dear than truth!.

Choose something that you know about, that interests you, but most of all that lends itself to what you want to say about the meaning of something deeply personal and important about life, love, hate, the search for meaning, the path of happiness or fulfillment, emptiness and meaninglessness, wrong ways, right ways, random ways!.!.!. something you have to say about life that you have experienced or observed and that constitutes your relationship with all humanity and the world!.

Setting and characters could include anything: school, a plane trip, camping, a neighborhood on the wrong side of the tracks, investment bankers seducing fast-food cashiers, or pirates and vampires!.

Broad appeal isn't necessarily in the costumes and occupations of the characters; but rather in how they think and feel and relate to each other and react and respond to events and circumstances!.

What might be a good book for you to write depends on you, your thoughts, feelings, questions, pleasures, annoyances, and whatever makes you tick and move!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.since you mentioned vampires and pirates, I'm assuming you're interested in fantasy-related subjects!. Here are a few ideas:

-Pegasus (you can do the dark side too, doesn't always have to be the wondrous unicorn)

You're right in saying that lot of ideas have been done to death, but that doesn't mean you can't put your on twist on things!. While having a new idea is important, it doesn't mean that you can't right a book about, say pirates, and put your own unique ideas into the story to make it interesting!. I think if you can create an imaginative world in which your characters live, it will make the story more readable!. Readers will like to see how characters interact in that world, and how the world is different from the one we live in, whether those differences are caused by magic, government, beliefs etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every generation thinks it has all been done, and yet every generation comes up with new ideas!. What I like to do is write about an event in MY life!. And then fictionalize it, sensationalize it, and expand upon it to the utmost!. That is one of the reasons why virtually ALL successful writers say that keeping a journal is a very important writing exercise!. Your life may seem boring to you, but if the characters were aliens or Elizabethan it would be very different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Put a new twist on something that you think is good!. :) Pirates and vampires may have been overdone !.!.!.!. but it's when you can take those overdone topics and give them a NEW TWIST and make them appeal to everyone all over again that you'll truly be a talented writer!.

Perhaps those groups have been done many times, but when writing a book you'll need a smaller topic!.!.!. perhaps you could write about a group of pirates or vampires and there's something not-so-average about this particular group !.!.!. or they're in some sort of mortal peril,you know!. Just something interesting!

Hope that helped!

And don't listen to anyone who asks how you can write a book when you can't think of anything right now !.!.!. we all have our days with writers block!. Reaching out to other people for inspiration helps get rid of it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's alright to write about vampire pirates or any subject that has been done to death because those topics are popular and people eat it up!. Just put your own weird twist on it!.

Edit: I've been thinking this over and this is my idea!.

Write about a vampire tree that can uproot itself and sucks the sap out of other tress and kills them!. An entire forest is dying and nobody knows why except for one kid who happened to see the tree in his yard one night!. Nobody believes him so it is up to him to stop it and save all the trees and the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey you know what!? you can still write about something that has been written about countless times but if you're really good than you can make it more amazing than all those other books about those things!.!.!.
also you know just fantasy people LOVE fantasy!.!.!.!.and you can always create your own fantastic creatures!.!.!.!.
I mean how do you think the idea of vampires and unicorns and trolls got started!?
because someone was willing to think outside the box!.!.!.
that's all you gotta do!.!.!. think outside the box!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know how you feel but since vampires are in, you might have well write up one, I am currently writing 3 (well technically 5 but i wont mention those two considering i stopped working on them) novels and two of them are vampires (non romance) and werewolf (romance) both young adult and their not together, their actually separate!. The third one is something along the line of narnia lol!.

Good luck with yours!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I once wrote a story about a character who was very bored!. Tried a number of activities to stay interested!. He fell asleep and had a dream that he was in the past, visiting a famos relative!. This relative gave him a family heirloom!. When he awoke, the heirloom was on his dresser!. So, it was a fantasy twist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what about pirates that are vampires!?
when they take over a ship they drain the crew's blood and save it in barrels like other pirates keep rum!.
There's a reason why pirates and vampires/werewolves have been done so much - people buy those books = money to the author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write a book about an author that has all the rejected scenarios she deems far fetched or over done , happen to her!.
Including Happilly ever after!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A family on a road trip in an unfamiliar state make a road stop in a city where the people want the death of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about vampire pirates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A land of rejected story ideas and characters!?
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about a family of dolphins that live on land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about real life!. If it's something people can relate to then they'll like it better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the smartest answer is dont write a bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

write a story on a family tht misses love!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that my idea of great fantasy or fiction would be the very simple, never gets old REAL story behind a not-so-real character who discovers they have super-powers!. It has been done, it's true, but the trick is to get into the real meaty day-to-day struggles that this person would have to deal with!. You can make it your own by having so many dilemmas to choose from and spin in your own way!.!.!. Let's face it, the superhero is around to stay and thye can be far more unique than we imagine, in many ways!. You can spin these dilemmas just to name a few:

~Doing what they are especially equipped to do vs!. hiding out

~ Does the person have the ability to control the super abilities or not!?

~Were they born with them or did they have a later onset!?

~Letting select friends in on it to help vs!. total anonymity

~Caving into peer pressure vs!. standing up for right

~Helping out only those one sees as good vs!. even helping those seen as bad/evil when they are in mortal danger

~Is there a point when one can renounce these powers, if so, when and what will they choose!?

~Does the hero have a fatal flaw & how does it come into play!?

~ Do they have an arch nemesis, and if so, will they kill or imprison them when the victory comes!?

Lots of options and opportunity to make the character uniquely your own!.!.!. I wish you well !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jim the Fee, here
You have only touched the surface of the majic pool that is the source of creativity!. This pool lies within each of us!.
Deep down in the unconsious mind that Karl Jung spoke and wrote about so much!.
Get in touch with your inner self, stirup the surface of your own personal majic pool and see what rises to the surface!.
In the mean time, I am going to grant you the use of this
character who has been in my majic pool for a long time!.
He is a jolly, fat and round, BLUE pig!. His name is
Curly Blue Hosta Pig!. He is the master of all of the languages of the insect and bug creatures who live in
June Brown's yard!. He also knows the languages of all
of the small animals who reside in the yard!. And finally
he know human language so can converse and tell stories
to humans who encounter him in June Brown's back yard!.
He is the "moderator" between warring Ant colonies who,
of course, are the red and the black ants; who would constantly be at war were he not present to Mediate the reasons for the fights!. He is friends with June Brown and
has told her a number of stories about his encounters with
the Ant Boys (three brothers) and their adventures; he also
know Murray Bug and all of his adventures in an around
Boogaville, (the transpanted insect village that is now near by
to the pond that June Brown built for the insect village some time back when the only source of water for the insects dried up!.)
There is the cricket family that has interesting stories to tell!.
There is the terrific tale waiting to be told of the adventures
of Bedfirst Shrub (a scorpion baby when he was brought into
June Brown's yard) and was raised as a cricket by the cricket family mentioned above!.
OH! There is a whole world down at the bug and insect
level of June Brown's back yard!. There are many kinds of
beings living there with stories from and about each of them!.
June Brown, being Irish, and having visited Ireland some years back brought home a Leprachan who had the wonderlust and traveled back with her!.
So, you should have little trouble in finding some story lines that cut across, bug & Little Blue Hosta Pig & the humans
all in a great spot for adventures -right in June Brown's back yard!.
The stories all come together in your book! Since it is a
simulation of all of the adventures that different human beings
have had in their diverse lives!.
Have fun! Write well!! Get published!!!


Jim the FeeWww@QuestionHome@Com