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Question: Good idea for book!?
Im thinking of writting this book that i had in mind!. In a nutshell, its about an old man who has been blind since birth!. I have the begging to the book, put dont know how to post it here due to the word limits!. However, the begging starts out with the old man dying!. And as the the story unravels, he relives his life in a third person view, however, he gets to see everything!. thats pretty much were i leave off and i hope to get an idea on how to end it!. Im thinking of callng it, Love at first Sight!. Appreciate any coments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, I'd actually read a book like that!. One thing though, how would he know who's who if he's been blind this whole time!? Are you talking out of body experience/supernatural forces being involved!?

Whatever the case, it sounds like it'd be a good read, I wonder how a blind person would react to seeing his/her face for the first time and other things like that!.!.!. interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a really good idea!. Do you mind if I give some suggestions!?
you could maybe do a second plot about what is happened to him in the afterlife as he is revisiting his own life, if you want!.
and maybe you should give it a more serious-souding title, unless that title means a lot to the story!.
those are just my suggestions, you should do whatever you want because this is a great idea for a story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com