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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing this short story...and I don't know where to take it...any i

Question: I'm writing this short story!.!.!.and I don't know where to take it!.!.!.any ideas!?
I'm writing a short story, because I'm bored and, in it, this girl's boyfriend breaks up with her and she walks home from the party they went to together, to her house, where she kind of stands staring at herself in the mirror, questioning what's wrong with her and stuff!.!.!.I was wondering if someone could help me, because I don't know where I'm taking it!.!.!.I'm just writing it for fun, not to publish it or anything!. Any ideas would be helpful! Oh, and I wouldn't want it to have, like a depressing ending or anything!.!.!.something happy!.
Any help would be appreciated;

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sorta of creative sometimes but idk so try these!.!.!.

1!. In the mirror she finds all these things that are wrong with herself!. Like she thinks this body part is too big or that's too small!. She tries to change herself to make her boyfriend come back to her!. In the end somehow she gets an epiphany and realizes there was nothing wrong with her in the first place!. (great moral story there lol)

2!. She's in the mirror talking to herself ranting about how mad she is that he broke up with after they went out for such and such years and all the stuff she went through with him!. In her hurt and anger she tries to get back at him by sabotaging his new relationship with his new girlfriend who is really nice or naive!. (this could be a place to add humor) like "He left me, the hottest girl on the cheer team for knobbly kneed Kayla!" or something like that!.

3!. She's standing in the mirror freaking out because her boyfriend broke up with her because he's gay!. She tries to figure out what the hell she did wrong to make him switch!.

those are just some ideas that i got from the top of my head!. let me know if you like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

shes looking in the mirror ands asks herself, " who do I see!?" She knows that she is normal healthy yet something is nagging her!. She realizes that she was hollow and empty, dependant on her boyfriend to fill that whole!. She needs to do something, anything with her life!. She has a few thousnad stored away in a college fund!.!.!.!.!.!. so she withdraws it and heads toward the big city, starting a new life and finding herself!. She meets the man of her dreams, and they live happily ever afterWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok so some more things go wrong and she gets introuble is school!.!.!. and some rumors get spred an she looses her popularity, so her parents send her to her idk aunts house for the summer or something!.!.!. anywayz she finds love with a unlikely guy while there for the summer!.!.!. an ya idk where to go from there, !.!.!.!.!. dang, i was jus makein that up real quick, but shoot!.!.!. i wanna read or watch the movie! lol naw j/k, but really i do!.!.!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you could could always make the girl a witch, vamp, etc!. or from some other planet or something and she discovers it while she is looking at herself in the mirror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that as she's looking in the mirror, a letter should fall through her letter slot from another lover or love intrestWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try the party in a Fraterninty, or the rich persons house in the neighborhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try quizilla, thats were i put my storysWww@QuestionHome@Com