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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any female anti-heroes in books?

Question: Are there any female anti-heroes in books!?
Besides Scarlett O'Hara!?
I'm a girl and I know that if there was a book written about my life, I would so be the anti-hero!.
If you can't think of any female anti-heroes in literature, you can also tell me female anti-heroes in other things as well (plays, TV, movies, etc!. etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suppose a lot depends on how anti an anti hero has to be!. Sebastian Dangerfield in The Gingerman goes about as far as a male anti-hero can go!. I can't think of any women who are that anti, but here are some who are working at it!.

1!. Caddy Compson from The Sound and the Fury!.

2!. Lady Brett Ashley from The Sun also Rises

3!. The Main Character of Ruby Fruit Jungle

4!. Joan Toast from The Sot-Weed Factor

5!. Pilar from For Whom the Bell Tolls

6!. Morgan Le Fay from various versions of the Arthurian legends (including A Connecticut Yankee!.)

7!. Zenobia from The Blithedle Romance

8!. Madame La Farge from A Tale of Two Cities

You may not agree with all of my choices, but I think you'll find the list helpful in general!. Good luck, it's an interesting topic to think about!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about the character Miranda Priestly from from The Devil Wears Prada (Lauren Weisberger)!. I think she qualifies as she has few redeeming qualities throughout most of the book/movie, but in the end shows that she is indeed human and has made a significant difference in the life of Andy (Andrea)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


that is a whole list of anti-heros!.

a few females i saw were juno from "juno" and 'the bride' from "kill bill"!. there were others, i just didnt look too hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cheetah was Wonder Woman's female anti-hero!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!.Victoria!? in the twilight series!?Www@QuestionHome@Com