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Question: Dean Koontz books!?
I just finished reading "the good guy" and i LOVED it!
What other books of his are good like this one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of the books of his I have read, The Husband is most like The Good Guy, and you will probably enjoy that one as well!.

He writes a lot of different genres including horror, supernatural and thrillers, and doses most of those with a good bit of humor!.

I would recommend most of his later books, but I really haven't read much of his earlier stuff!. The books that I liked most, and would recommend to any beginning Koontz reader would be:

Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, Brother Odd (in that order)
Life Expectancy

From there, try books such as False Memory, From the Corner of His Eye, One Door Away from Heaven, Velocity, Fear Nothing, Seize the Night and Intensity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are several books written by him!. I gave you a site below that will list them all at a discount to buy or you can read there and get them from your local library!.

If you scroll down to near the bottom of the page after clicking on book of choice there is usually an editorial review and some personal reviews by readers!. That would give you a great idea if the book interests you!.

This is how I find out if the author of choice has anything else that interests me!. They have used books online here and at ABE!.COM and they are usually in great condition!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All Koontz books are awesome!

Two of my faves are "Strangers" and "Lightning"!.
"Watchers" is really good too!.
I think he is much better than Stephen King!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read a bunch of his stuff!. My favorites so far are:
Fear Nothing
Seize the Night
From the Corner of His Eye
Odd Thomas
Forever Odd
Life ExpectancyWww@QuestionHome@Com