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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For my book, what do you think of an organization/group made up...?

Question: For my book, what do you think of an organization/group made up!.!.!.!?
Entirely of women!? I'm wondering the points of view on both men and women on this!.if you think it's stupid or refreshing or what!.
They're not in the main plot at all at the moment so question #2 for this is if you think they should get more screen time!.!.!.or paper time, I suppose (Wither to have them not included at all to the center-figures of some side-book)!.
Question #3, if you think they should be in, is how many members should it have!? I was not going to have too many at first but then I realised if they get in a battle they would have too few to do really anything and if they are split up on different missions then they would be even smaller!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot will depend on what role you wish the women to play!.

If they are to play a more typical role, such as a witches coven, then the number would/could be 13!.

If they will play a background role, then not too many characters will be needed!.

If they will have a stronger role, such as a group joining the men in battle, then of course, more characters!.

Women are often overlooked as secondary characters, often given minuscule roles to play!. They are all too often seen in typical roles, such as the poor wife left behind, the mother figure, the victim, the sexual partner, the weaker sex, etc!. It would be refreshing to see women in more productive, much stronger roles!. A woman can be beautiful, yet strong, She can be sexual, yet very intelligent!. A female character can be so much more than what they are often given credit for in literature!.

Keep in mind that you can have a large group doing whatever you have them doing, yet only develop a few of them as main or lead characters!. An example would be a league of 100 or more women connected by a common cause, with only 3 or so of them fully developed into the story line!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com