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Question: Breaking Dawn Coverart Theories!?
My theory is that the red pawn stands for Bella as a person!. Full of life & blood, & weak-ish!. The white queen stands for Bella once she's changed into a vampire!. Strong and pale!.

People have said that the colors are irrelevant but the colors of the pieces usually match the chess board!.

The pieces are Red & White, but the board is Black & White!.

What do you think!?
I'd like to hear your theories too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think that bella starts to become fond of playing chess=]

thats my theory


Pawn to Queen!. That's a chess move!. When a pawn reaches the other side of the board they transform into a queen, of the same color!.

The red pawn is supposed to be Bella when she's still full of life and blood!.

When it reaches the end of the board, it's like the end of it's life, b/c it becomes a queen!. So, that is the end of Bella's mortal life!.

Then she becomes a white queen, even though it should be red, the same color as the pawn, it's white, b/c Bella's not alive any more, she has no heart beat, no blood, and she's really pale, hence the white!.

It represents Bella becoming a vampire!!!! YAY!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well what I think its Bella choosing between mortality and immorality!. I know she wants to be with Edward forever, but what if he kills Jacob for some strange reason!? I'd cry so hard if she chose to stay human to see Jake in "afterlife" Cause of course I favor Edward more!. But Edward would be close behind :]

Team Edward!!!!
I hope they get married & she becomes a vampire :]

But don't you think everything is too predictable!?
I mean New Moon blew me away NO WAY would I have imagined that to happen!. So she'll probally trick us all :oWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's been my theory from the minute I saw the cover!. I've been seeing soo many other stupid theories like 'the pawn represents jacob and the king represents edward and he's better' so on and so forth!. (Yes, the stupid people thought it was a king instead of a queen!.) also I hate today's quote!. It sounds like something bad's gonna happen!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats exactly what I made of the cover too!. But i tnink we're missing something!. Because!.!.well!.!.!.its too obvious! or isss it!?!?!?!? *gasp*

edit!. If the queen indeed does represent Bella as a vampire then it would also make sense becauase then she matches with the board , you know, finally belongs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe Bella is the queen and has control over all the pawns (Edward and Jacob) I heard that the queen has control of all the other pieces or something like that!. Your theory is really interesting!. Hmmm!.!.!. Guess we'll just wait and seeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like your theory but I think it is too obvious!. I don't think Stephenie Meyer would do something like that!. I don't have any other theories though!. I can't wait until Breaking Dawn comes out!. There are quotes from the book on Stepheniemeyer!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think that is a really good theory!.

I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com
