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Position:Home>Books & Authors> J.R.R. Tolkien or C.S. Lewis?

Question: J!.R!.R!. Tolkien or C!.S!. Lewis!?
I'm conducting a study and I need well read peoples help!.

My favorite deceased authors of all time are of course J!.R!.R!. Tolkien and C!.S!. Lewis!. We all know the books were written about the same time, and are some of the most beautiful stories of love and friendship ever written!.

And I would like to know which writer to you think wrote the best stories!? J!.R!.R!. Tolkien's the Lord of the Rings, or C!.S!. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia!? Why do you think this story is best!?

Please, I want people who have READ the books!. If you've only seen the movies don't answer this question, and if you have nothing good to say then don't post it here!.

Thank you all for your time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know, do you mind if I give you a kiss!?
I'm so tired of all the crap of LOTR vs!. HP, cuz they aren't really the same!. Tolkien is dead, and no matter which one is best, Rowling's books haven't been time-proven!. I love your question! I'm a total book-freak, first, and this question was really hard for me to decide!. But after some thought I decided that:

We don't have to mess in our heads deciding which is better, cos' guess what!? They were friends, and they wrote in different styles!. Tolkien wrote an immensely complex story with whole worlds and languages, a really good book, but it was adult fantasy!. CS Lewis wrote a very entertaining and beautiful Chronicles, but it was nevertheless written for children, even though you can be any age to enjoy it!. So different, but both so brilliant - and so this is my opinion:

You Can Never Compare, Because They Are Masters Of Their Own Brand!. Who Are We To Decide!?


J!.R!.R Tolkien, he was friends with Lewis, but i think that his books are much better, deeper, and more well-written, what's your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tolkien developed languages! That are studied! Cool!. He far surpasses Lewis, but on a different level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I like C!.S!. Lewis!. That's just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Tolkien spared us that Christian swill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like C!.S!. Lewis because his storys make more sense to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you had asked for a comparison between LOTR and *all* of C!.S!. Lewis's work, I might have had a harder time here!. But comparing LOTR with The Chronicles of Narnia - delightful as some of the Narnia tales are, not all of them are on the same fine level as, say, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!.

The Lord of the Rings is one of the finest fiction works ever!. Tolkien created new worlds, new species, new languages - even new alphabets - and wove them into a fascinating, compelling story!. The story of the fellowship, the quest, the challenges, the return of a long-forgotten king, the downfall of evil forces -- all magnificent!. What I especially like about this work is that is deals with the heroic in mankind - what we can be!. LOTR is a fantastic accomplishment, without peer!.

Great question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Greetings! I have read both the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings, including The Hobbit!.

Both are very good series, but I think I would nod to LOTR!. It is much more of an original creation and very deeply detailed in writing!.!.!.more so than CON!.

CON was written with a very strong influence of the bible for younger children!. Lewis wrote CON for children who were suffering the trauma of the London bombings during World War II in the effort to bring them hope!. Of course his series took off after the war!.

Both deserve accolades for their work!.!.!.!.and this comes from an Agnostic!.

Hope this helps!. Take care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That choice is near impossible!

On one hand, Tolkien's world was much more complex than Narnia!. He's actually created this world with its own language and history and culture!. I highly doubt any fantasy author can beat Middle Earth as for as complexity goes!.

Tolkien's also the king of the fantasy genre!. He basically reinvented the way we look at elves, dwarves!.!.!.

And I love how despite the problems, the characters were always determined!. LotR is one of the most powerful stories I have ever read!.

Narnia, on the other hand, has a much better writing style!. Tolkien's is!.!.!.well!.!.!.kind of dry and overly discriptive, but Lewis's is a lot more fast-paced and easier to read, while still able to make us think!.

And I've always really clicked with Lewis's characters better than Tolkien's!. I really don't know why, here!. But Susan's always been someone I could relate to, and so has Jill Pole!.

While it isn't as good as Middle Earth, Narnia is still pretty complex!. Every time I read the books, I keep discovering new things to it!.

Altogether, both books are pretty great, but I think I'm going with Tolkien here!. Only by a hair, but like I said before, Tolkien is basically the king of the entire fantasy genre!.
